sub rosa

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take this as a letter, or just a reminder of sorts,

or a tiny acknowledgment of the existence of people who give the word 'lovely' its definition.

like people who take a step back to walk by your side. and the ones who put a smile on their own unwilling face to match yours. stay even if they didn't know what words they could offer as comfort when you need them. cry because you are. laugh because you are. help you up when you fall. dust the sand off your knees. and pick the twigs out of your hair. 

people who observe things as simple as your favorite thing to eat when a certain emotion overpowers your mood. people who aren't afraid to tell you of your wrongs, people who don't shy away from praising you for your rights. the ones who pay attention to you talking about the things you love even if they don't entirely understand it. 

people who don't reduce your tears to 'me too' or a forced 'i understand' but instead a simple hug before you can ask for one. make you realize what happiness tastes like.

people who love you through times when you can't do it yourself. 

and most importantly, the ones who don't just give you moments to remember, but unabashedly give you more to treasure.

*under the rose

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