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do you ever find yourself in awe of how days turn to nights and nights to day, and the cycle repeats until your runs turn to walks and your smile lines to wrinkles? slim hands to bony ones. the light in your eyes into untold experiences.

i  find myself in both fear and awe of the way sunlight caresses my skin on a summer morning; golden on beige. feeble on blotchy. eternal on aging.

we're mere domino tiles to time. falling to our knees at its touch. leaving a mess to follow. 

you don't perceive its aftermath until your eyes flutter open to light streaking through the window and brushing at the sensitive skin between your unready lashes. you don't remember closing your eyes. neither do you remember when they were last open before this. the shadowy, blurry space between the two is the little not-so-happy smile of time mocking us all.

did you see the moon go down? now you weren't awake to see the sun take its place either.

you sigh, time sneers yet again.

'tomorrow,' you muse.

another smile in return that you don't see. and it's not a happy one either.

it never is.

*sun-setting; ruin; death; end

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