Only me.

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Finn's pov:

It was a slow day today at the hospital all I did was run around collecting files of my patients and doing some paperwork. All was fine but I was missing Rachel and I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen when my pager started beeping for me to go up to room 45 urgently. I ran there as fast as I could and when I opened the door my heart fell.

In the room there was Rachel, lying on a hospital bed looking as pale as ever with her eyes closed and a bruise on her head. Next to her bed sitting on the white uncomfortable chairs was Jessie St James her ex boyfriend, he was holding her hand and kissing it. I felt a pang of jealously go through me when I saw the view and I instantly got angry and started walking up to him when a doctor came in and asked

"Who is her boyfriend in her and if you aren't you have to leave the room until we call you back in later on as we have to do some tests on her to see what had happened to make her faint."

I quickly answered "I'm her boyfriend and I have been for a year so he has to get out."

Jessie's face quickly grew red as he answered with well I'm her fiance and I have been for 3 years."

He walked up to me and all of a sudden his fist collided with my jaw. I almost fell but kept my balance and soon I was the one throwing my punches at him and after 3 punches from my side he fell straight on the ground unconscious. The nurse in the room quickly ran to his aid and called for more nurses to come help her put  Jessie on a bed.

My jaw hurt where he puched me but that didn't matter, he was supposed to be in jail not running around like a free man and acting like he was still in a relationship with Rachel, I am. Only me.

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