I'm out!

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Chapter 2~ I'm out!


What the hell does my mother think she's doing? I know I have a lot if sex with countless women, but that doesn't mean anything. I don't want to settle down just yet, so I have sex with a number of women to full fill my needs. I don't need to be anybody's submissive , let alone to a woman, but I must admit Helen is quite the sight for sore eyes. There's just something about her that screams sexual power. It also doesn't help the fact that her body is the shape of an hour glass, her smooth silky skin as though it was cotton, her hair that flows like a river down her back, and last but not least that smart sassy attitude turns me on in more ways than one, but that doesn't mean I'll let her control me as if I were some dog.

My brothers and I look at each other, then look at our mom, and lastly to Helen. Helen has her face covered by her hair, while her shoulders are shaking slightly which confused me, but also made me concerned.

"You think I would ever do something like that with your sons." She said laughing silently to herself. It made not only me, but my brothers as we'll upset she would say something like that about us.

" I know their stubborn, but you can get through to them, I know you can."

Helen jolts up from her seat causing the chair she was sitting on to fall back and my mother, brothers, and I to jump at her sudden action.

"I guess you don't know me that well, but I'm not the one to help these ingrates you call sons, even if you paid me a billion in one I won't do it." She's yells at our mother.

"You will drop that tone our mother or we will fire you!" The twins said together not really meaning the second part.

"Fine then, I'm out!" Helen said gathering her things in her hands then walks out slamming the the door behind her.

Our mother looked at us in shame while shaking her head mumbling something along the lines of ' I will get that girl to reason to all this mess.' while I shook my head at her thought.

"Helen going to come back right Lucca?" My quiet brother Julian asked.

"Of course she will, she's just upset right now, lets give her time to cool off."

A WEEK LATER...........................

"Ughhhhhhh this can't be fucking happening!" I screamed in frustration.

Helen not being here, is slowly driving me insane. I thought she would come back in a day or two, but she's been gone for a week, a whole FREAKING WEEK!!!!!!! It's like every thought I have is consumed of her and how her not being here because of me has made me want to rip my hair out. My brothers have been down as well of Helen's absence. The twins are super quiet without Helen around and they moan and groan Helen's name in their sleep at night, telling her in their dreams to come back to us. Julian is just as bad, his temper that none of us thought he ever had, has increased ten fold. He snaps at people all the time not caring about there feelings or anything, blaming the twins for Helen leaving our side, and blaming me for letting her leave, which flared my temper at him cause he watched her leave as well.

My brothers walked in my office slumping on chairs in front of my desk.

"We can't do this anymore, we want Helen to come back to us." Julian said with a deadly quiet voice.

"I know and will get her we just have think of a way to do that." I said with a serious expression on my face ready to get our girl back and tell how we all feel about now, hoping she accepts us.


Hey guys guys I hope you like this chapter I know I haven't been updating and I'm sorry about that there has just been some issue's with my health and been stoping me from writing for a while but I'm back now!!!!!!!!! So Follow, Comment, and Vote Luv Ya😘!!!!!!!!


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