Why are you Here?

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Chapter 8~ Why are you Here?


A beautiful tall brown skinned woman, with shapely thighs, and a nice bust is waiting for her car outside of the airport.

She taps her high heeled shoe on the ground, expressing her agitation. Looking at her gold watch, she checks the time to see how long she's been there.

'15 minutes?! God Damn!' She thinks to herself, while sucking her teeth.

5 minutes later the car finally pulls around the corner and onto the curb of the drop off. A shorts scruffy looking man got out the car with a sign, that had a woman's name on it. The woman huffed and clacked her heels over to the man. She took the sign out of his hands and replaced it with one of her bags.

"The rest is on the cart." The woman said, thick in her New York accent.

The man looked towards the cart, and bit his lip to keep from cussing out loud. It took an hour and a half for the car to finally reach the well built mansion. It seems like years since the woman in the car has been to this homely residence. She gets out the car and sighs, breathing in the crisp cool air. It was refreshing to say the least; giving her the nostalgic feeling of her childhood. The woman gets her purse that's on top of all the other bags, leaving the rest to the short man.

She begins walking to the front door, while fumbling around in her purse. Finally she pulled out a small key with a kissy emoji face. The woman smiled at the little keychain fondly,  before using it to unlock the door in front of her. Walking inside like the fearless queen she is, she begins putting her things away while yelling back at the man.

"Put my things upstairs in the room all way down to the right!"

She knew that he heard her because she heard him make a low groan, hearing his heavy footsteps dragging up the stairs. Walking into the kitchen she went to the fridge, opening it to pull out the half drunken wine bottle. 'Someone's been in a little mood I see.'

Taking the bottle with her to the living room, she kicks off her shoes and lays back on the couch, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and turning in on. The woman watches tv for like an hour before finally drifting off into dreamland.


I forgot how hard it is to look for a good paying job now a days. The struggle is really real out here. I know I don't really need to look for a job, but I like to work for my money, having the satisfaction of getting a bag knowing that I worked my ass off for it. My phone rung as I was in the car listening to music to keeping me from thinking too much, which wasn't really helping by the way. I hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth making my whole car ring in the process.

"Hello?" I say, clicking the button to answer the call.

"What up bitch?!?"

"Nothing much YaYa, about to go home, what about you?"

"I'm just checking up on, you said that you were going job hunting today so I wanted to see how that went?"

"Awful, fucking awful."

"Why? What happened?"

"I just forgot how hard it is to get a job now a days."

"Damn right, you fucked up with that one girl."

"Don't remind me, stupid bitch.." I said all grumpy.

"Don't be rude hoe!!"

"Your were rude first, B."

"Oh so you bringing the accent into this now?"

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