Jasper smirks and huskily states, "That was very convincing. Now to our unfinished plans. ,,,"

He swoops me into his arms and kisses me passionately and since breathing isn't an issue we made out for a long time. We didn't go all the way. I'm Joking. It's me and Jasper. Of course we went the whole way. I got to be on top since I can hold him down with my newborn strength. ;)

We finally made our way back to the house and when we walk in Alice squeals and states, "I'M SO EXCITED!!! I want to plan your wedding."

I clear my throat and she stops. I say, "IF I let you plan MY wedding. Everything goes through ME, I can veto anything I want to and you can't complain nor go over my head. Jasper can, but he doesn't get very far with that cateogory. I have the one thing he wants in his life."

Jasper says, "Darlin' what's that?"

Emmett says, "SEX!"

I smirk and cheekily state, "Well, I was going to say my heart, but that covers it too. There is no shortage in that category."

Jasper walks behind me and holds my waist and kisses the side of my head. I am very content with this life. My babies are growing quickly, but I'm not overly concerned with that since they are part vampire and they'll probably live forever. I think I want to have the wedding in May before graduation. I say, "Jasper? What do you think about May?"

Jasper says, "I love the springtime for a wedding. What day?"

I say, "What about the 19th?"

Emmett says, "Century"

I start to laugh and Jasper pouts at me and I snuggle into his chest and he stares Emmett down. I turn into him and hug his waist and he kisses the top of my head and I see my babies run in the room and I pick up my daughter and I hold her and Jayden stands by his father. Alice is just smiling at the talk of our wedding but then pouts that she doesn't have free rein on my wedding day. Alice runs to her room and I'm guessing she has a binder of things she wants to run by me and have my opinions on things. I tell Elisabeth and Jayden, "Mommy and Daddy are getting married. Elisa you are going to be the flower girl and Jayden is going to be the ring bearer. You are going to toss flowers on the ailse before I walk down it. Jayden is going to be seated in the front row and he will hold the rings for us and bring them when it is time."

She smiles and says, "Can I match you?"

I smile and look at my daughter's hopeful face and say, "We will try to make that happen, but we will see if something will catch our eye and is unique."

She smiles and says, "Yay! Shopping!"

Our little miracles run off into the other room to play and Jasper hugs my waist and buries his head into my neck and plants a few kisses here and there, and I giggle at him and play with his hair. He purrs at me and only I hear it and he holds me tighter to him. I whisper lowly, "I love you."

He plants a kiss on my neck again and mumbles, "I love you too."

I say, "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

I hear 'yeah's'. Nobody is totally happy right now because Eddie isn't here. He left once we got here and his only decision that he had made is to be alone. He calls us now and then, but he's miserable to say the least. Emmett rearranges the living room and Jasper picks me up cauing me to squeal and he places us on the loveseat. Emmett mumbles, "I wanted that spot."

I hear the slap on Emmett's head from Rose. Damn. She hits hard. Well, so do I. I lay on top of Jasper and I study his face. The curves of his cheekbone, his lips, his nose, and everything else I want to memorize it all. I know that he knows that I'm watching him but he's paying attention to the movie and I pout. I know he noticed it and my mood change but he doesn't know what I'm going to do. I turn and lay on his side and then I put my arm on his delicious abs and then I slowly move my hand down lower and he grabs mine andgives me a pointed look and he moves me so my head is at his neck and he kisses my head. I hear little feet and Rose and I jump up and go to my babies. She treats them like her own and I definitely appreciate the help. Elisabeth and Jayden say, "Mommy, I'm hungry."

I smile and say, "What would you like for dinner?"

They look deep in thought and say, "Chicken nuggets and tater tots."

Rosalie looks at me and says, "Just like their mother."

I wink at her. We go to the kitchen and I make them some chicken nuggets and tater tots in the oven. I watch them eat and see the joy in their faces and I fondly remember what they taste like and why I had loved to eat them and french fries. I miss Nutella and coffee. I see Jasper walk in and he holds my waist and asks me, "What's wrong, Darling?"

I state, "I miss food."

He chuckles at me and says, "Why don't you try it. It tastes like dirt but it'll get your mind off of it."

I say, "But I don't want dirt in my mouth."

He smirks and I smack his head. He says, "What?"

I give him a pointed look and say, "You know what. Not in front of the kids. "

Jasper chuckles and I smck him again and he says, "What?"

I look at him and Emmett says, "Man, stop being horny and listen to your woman and she'll stop hitting you. (smack sound) OW! Rosie!"

I stiffle a giggle at him. I say, "You'll mess up at some point and I'll be able to hit you then."

I admire the engagment ring and Jasper holds my waist and says, "The diamonds were in my grandma's engagement ring. My grandpa had a bit of extra money lying around and he made sure to get her a very nice ring at the time and we had all kept it in great condition. The love they had for each other was each other's greatest gift. She gifted this ring to my father who proposed to my mother with it and she gave it to me before I went to the war and I kept it with me ever since. It's like having a piece of her with me. But I decided that I wanted to give it to you and put a modern take on it. So I added the sapphire and some extra diamonds on the band."

I feel like I'm going to start crying and Jasper holds me and I say, "I love it. It's a perfect mixture of the old and the new. I bet they were some amazing people, Jasper. You are very old by the way. Our kids should call you grandpa."

Jasper's face morphs into disgust and he tightens his hold on me and then tickles me and I push him to the floor. Newborn strength rules. Jasper smiles and he flips us over and he kisses me. he pulls away and says, "I'm excited to call you my wife."

I smile an say, "I'm excited to call you my soon-to-be husband. I love you."

Jasper smiles and says, "I love you too, Brinley."

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