We're Not Safe Anymore Pt. 2

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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Welcome to chapter Nine!! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and thank you for the support!! Please go easy on me and I hope you enjoy! ALSO, it’s really annoying to constantly be typing ‘hyung’ after the names if they’re older when not actually speaking to or about them.  Because of this I’m going to only be typing ‘hyung’ when addressing in actual conversations and just pretend the ‘hyung’ is there when needed.

Still no shout outs for this chapter but I thank everyone who followed me from ffnet and to everyone in general for the support and the reads!! They all mean a lot to me!!

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own BTS or the movie Ouija. I only take credit for the story I created and nothing else. I also created the cover picture used for this story I just used pictures taken from the internet.



‘Film Recordings’


We’re Not Safe Anymore Pt. 2

Tae’s POV:

I sighed as I threw my bag onto the bed before sitting down and once more hiding my face in my hands.


Looking up I saw Jungkook looking at me as if unsure what to say or do. “You’re not still blaming yourself, are you? Sure, we were all mad and scared after we first left the dorms the other night but none of us blame you. Really.” He said making me sigh once more.

“It doesn’t matter if you guys do or don’t because at the end of the day it is my fault.” I moved over when the younger boy made to sit by me before continuing. “I just haven’t felt completely since we lost Jimin. It’s like there’s something there that’s just never going to be whole again, but when I saw the board in his room and we kept hearing those noises for as long as we did….” I didn’t finish as I sighed once more shaking my head.

“Hyung,” I looked up to the boy, “it’s okay to feel the way you feel. We all miss him so much. He was one of the best hyung’s ever, the rest of you tying with him, and it’s been hard for me to accept he’s gone.” I turned fully to Jungkook staying silent so he could continue.

“We all had our own personal relationship with hyung just like we all have our own personal relationships with each other. We all miss him dearly and we all miss different things about him that was special just between us. But, you two were the closest of all of us. ARMY wasn’t wrong in calling you soulmates. I’ll admit for all of us when I say it sometime scared us seeing just how in-tune the two of you were with each other. That piece you feel is missing is only natural to feel. Finding that board made you think you could talk to him again, convinced the rest of us we could too, and no one can fault you for wanting to talk to him one last time. We’d be hypocrites if we did.” Jungkook finally looked to me and I could only stare of him in shock.

“Since when did the maknae get all wise and knowing?” Jungkook laughed as he pushed me making me start laughing with him.

“Thanks Kookie.” I said as we calmed down.

Kookie gave his famous bunny smile. “I don’t like seeing my hyungs hurt or upset. Especially for something they can’t control or never able to control.” He said and I pulled him into a side hug.

Just then Yoongi walked into the room sighing as he flopped onto the other bed near the window.

“Sejin got two rooms. Said something about knowing we need our space but he’s not going to just leave us here alone. His room is right beside ours and connects with that door there,” he lifted an arm and pointed at a random door that was to the right of the mounted TV, “I kinda knew he wouldn’t leave us but I was hoping I could convince him that we’d be fine by ourselves for the night anyways. Turns out Sejin is very much on edge with everything and doesn’t trust what we told him. Especially since Tae’s nose is still bandage and no one even mentioned it tom him but he’s very much aware of it.” Yoongi’s tone held a sarcastic tone to it but no venom to go with it.

Instinctively I reached up and gently rubbed the bandage there. I’d honestly forgot all about it with everything that’s happened in the last few hours.

“He’s just worried hyung.” I said making Yoongi finally turn to look our way.

“I know, but if something happens again like what happened to Namjoon I’d rather not have the man near it.” I nodded in understanding.

“I want him safe too, hyung, but Sejin-hyung also wants to keep us safe. He clearly doesn’t believe Namjoon-hyung didn’t try to kill himself despite us all being with Namjoon when it happened and I’d be willing to bet the appointments will be going on up again once Namjoon-hyung is out of the hospital and had a few physical therapy sessions behind him.” Jungkook said making the older nod.

“I know that, but I’m worried it’ll somehow backlash onto the man. I’d hate for him to get injured or worse for something we caused.” Yoongi said.

“What if he’s okay because he never touched the board? What if Jae will only go after the six of us?” I asked.

“Can you prove that’s the case? What if it doesn’t matter?” he argued back.

“Wouldn’t that put the whole hospital in danger then since there’s three of us there right now? I have a feeling if and when Jae strikes again it’ll be where ever we all are.” Jungkook pointed out.

Yoongi seemed to think on Jungkook’s before nodding. “For now, let’s stick with the belief Tae mentioned. That those around us are fine because they didn’t touch the board.” Yoongi moved to stand suddenly and walked over to his bag. “Let’s get to looking for anything about Jae and that board. There has to be a reason all this shit started. Jimin can’t have died for nothing.”

I nodded at Yoongi’s back and moved to get my own computer out as Kookie did the same.

The room was silent as we all glued ourselves to our computers trying to get any answers we could besides what we knew at the moment.

“Whoa look at this!” Jungkook suddenly yelled out moving from his place at the desk back to sit by me on my bed. Yoongi also stood up and sat on the other side of Kookie.

On the screen was an old looking picture of three people. Two boys around twelve and a woman standing behind them.

“What are we looking at Kook?” Yoongi asked.

“This picture was taken in the 50s. 1957 to be exact.” I looked to Jungkook’s face in shock before looking back at the picture.

“Could this be Jae and his mom then” I asked feeling hope rising within.

“Says it is in the article underneath it.” Jungkook said pointing at the words under the picture then began to read.

Last known picture of Jae-Beom. Taken around three months before he was declared as missing. Jae-Beom, right, and his twin brother Jang-Beom, left, shared a house with their mother after the death of their father just three years prior from lung cancer. Sung-Beom was said to have gotten into séances and witchcraft from the grief of losing her husband and used these methods to try and communicate with him once more.

Here I had to blush and refused to look at Jungkook when I felt their gazes on me. One of them sighed as Jungkook continued.

She claimed to have discovered she had a gift for this practice and began to use them as a form of making money when she lost her job shortly after her new hobby began. She even got her two young boys involved in many of the sittings and would have them practice them on their own and with the group of people who had come to see their mother. It is around the time her ‘business’ began to take off that Jae-Beom disappeared.

“So, Jae had a brother. Why didn’t he go missing when Jae did? Especially if his mother really was involved in the disappearance.” I asked.

“Don’t know, but at least we have some kind of lead to go on.” Yoongi said before pointing somewhere on the screen. “Says here the brother went insane after losing his twin; authorities said after an interview with both the mother and Jang they learned the boys were inseparable. Two sides of the same coin. Shortly after that interview Jang actually killed his mother trying to get information about where Jae was. They took him to an insane asylum that’s around here.”

“Hyung…. that sounds a lot like-”

“Me and Chim, yeah, I figured that out on my own, thanks. The difference is I wouldn’t kill someone if I thought they had something to do with Jimin missing. And I’m not crazy.” I mumbled still refusing to look at the other two as I continued reading.


“Look Jang is still alive!” I said ignoring Yoongi’s annoyed sigh. “He’s still in the asylum! Maybe we could get a few of us to go visit him and see if he’ll tell us something?” I offered finally looking at the other two.

“We could try. It’s just a matter of sneaking whoever goes away from Sejin-hyung. The man seems determined to not let us out of his sight if he doesn’t have to.” Yoongi reminded us and I groaned.

“That will be a little harder won’t it? But, this is the biggest clue we have right now! We have to try to use it while we can before anything else happens!” I exclaimed.

Before either of them could answer the door was thrown open making us all jump in surprise while Yoongi quickly got into attack mode before we saw a very distressed Sejin-hyung in the door.

“Good you’re awake! Get your shoes on now! We’re going to the hospital.” I felt my heart speed up then.

“Hyung? What happened?” I asked.

“It’s Jin.”


Jin’s POV:

“No mom you don’t have to come here. It’s just a shoulder injury. Yes, I’m well aware of the screw that’s now in my arm. No, I didn’t, it really was an accident. Apparently I’m very much capable of accidently falling over a railing. No, mom, seriously I’m completely fine! I promise to call if I need anything. Yes, yes, love you too, bye.” Namjoon put his phone down and sighed as he waved by to the three before they left.

“I swear she’s so stubborn sometimes. She’s convinced herself that my surgery was a bigger deal that it really was and wants to come baby me.” Namjoon groaned.

“She’s your mom, it’s her job to worry like that.” I laughed watching Yoongi walk the three to the door.

“At least those three have hyung looking after them for the night while we keep an eye out here.” I said still looking at the door Yoongi had just shut behind the three.

“Hopefully nothing happens to them.” Namjoon said.

“Hopefully nothing happens to us.” Jhope mumbled and I nodded at both of them.

“C’mon, let’s get to researching.” I said and noticed Namjoon’s eyes slowly closing. The pain meds the nurse gave while we waited for the three to return were finally kicking in it seemed. “Or Namjoon you get some sleep while Hobi and I get to researching.”

The only response I got was a small nod and his eyes instantly closing.

“Lucky bastard.” Hobi grumbled and I gave him a small glare to which his face grew red as he turned to focus on getting his computer out instead.

Sighing I got my own out and began looking into anything I could find about Jae or his mother. I even looked into that damned board that was in Jimin’s room still.

A while later I looked from the screen and stretched some before looking over at Hoseok and smiled softly when I saw him leaning his head on the desk that was in the room snoring softly with his computer still on.

“Looks like it’s up to me then.” I whispered softly to myself before standing up and wrapping my blanket the nurse gave us around the younger boy and quietly closed his computer as he snuggled into the blanket and the snores continued.

Laughing fondly, I ran a gentle hand down his head before turning back to the couch and got back to looking into the Beom family.

After a bit more time I finally found an article that was worth anything. On it was a picture of two boys and a woman.

Confused I looked to see who they were and was surprised to see two names I knew very well now and one I didn’t know.

“You had a twin?” I asked the boy on the right side of the picture before looking at the article and reading through it.

The more I read the more dread entered me. ‘This is too much like Tae and Chim right now….’ I couldn’t help but think as I continued through the article.

I was close to the end of it when I heard a weird noise.

Looking around the room to see if I could find anything weird, I found nothing. Shrugging I went back to the computer only to tense strongly when the noise was hard to ignore now and it was clear what the noise was.


I felt a shiver run up my spine when my name was whispered into the air. Looking around I tried to find the source of the noise. ‘Maybe Hobi or Namjoon woke up?’ I looked to Hobi and saw him still sound asleep on the desk. Looking to Namjoon I noticed he, too, was still in his drugged induced sleep. Probably wouldn’t wake up until morning.

Tensing even more seeing the two younger boys asleep I tried to ignore what I had heard and go back to the article.


I stood quickly then when the whisper was right beside my ear and looked to the couch to see nothing there.

“Fuck this!” I growled and started for the door and looked down both sides of the hall to see if anyone was there.

“Hello?” I called out when I noticed it was weirdly empty. Sure, it was close to midnight by now, but hospitals never closed. Which meant some kind of noise should be heard even if no person could be seen at the moment.

It was deathly quiet.

Shivering I made to go back into the room and call for the nurse when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.

Turning to where I saw it I felt my heart drop when I saw a very familiar form walking quickly around the far corner of the hall.

“No.” I gasped out and, for whatever reason, I chose to chase after the figure to make sure I wasn’t just seeing things.

Get to the corner I slowed and carefully peered around the corner to see anything was there. When I saw only an empty hall once more, I sighed and decided to not be that person and turned to head back to the room.


I stopped mid-step and felt the blood leaving my face as I slowly turned and saw the figure once more turning yet another corner.

“Nope, I’m not okay with this.” Choosing once more to not be that person I made a mad dash for the room.

I was just about to enter the room when it was suddenly slammed in my face.

I fought with the door but the damn thing wouldn’t open back up! Growling and feeling my fear grow even more I started banging on the door trying to hopefully get Hoseok to wake up or even get the attention of a nearby nurse.

A breath on the back of my neck made me stop all movement as my breathing picked up.


Closing my eyes at hearing just how close the voice was now I slowly looked to my right and saw the one figure I was trying to be so sure I hadn’t seen.

A boy around the age of twelve was standing at the end of the hall with his head cocked to the side. His dead eyes glaring at me as I stood frozen. It was then I noticed the stitching on his lips.

“Just like Namjoon.” I couldn’t help but say as I thought back to when we almost lost him. Namjoon’s mouth had the same stitching. He had that same dead look.

Suddenly Jae was gone and I quickly turned to put my back on the wall and looked around trying to get a glimpse of the dead boy.

I sudden intake of breath to my left had me slowly looking in that direction before looking down and saw Jae standing with barely a foot between us.

“No.” was all I could get out before my world went black.

Hobi’s POV:

The slamming of the door woke me up with a start and I looked to make sure Namjoon was still asleep.

Sighing in relief I looked and felt my heart stop when I didn’t see Jin.

“Shit!” I growled and was instantly fully awake as I rushed for the door but noticed it wouldn’t open. Growling more I tried banging on it before I could hear banging on the other end. “Jin!” I called out but it was like the older boy couldn’t hear me as he continued to bang on the door.

Suddenly the banging stopped and it went deathly quiet which only made my fear grow. “Jin?” I tried again.

“No.” I heard Jin suddenly gasp out then it went silent again except for footsteps going away from the door.

“Jin? Jin come back now!” I called loudly and fought to get the damned door open.

I finally got it open with enough force that I ended up falling after I got it open.

I paid no mind to the pain in my lower back as I shot up and out of the door looking both ways down the hall before hearing the footsteps coming farther down on my right and saw Jin’s form rounding the corner.

Turning in that direction I took off as fast as I could down the hall, avoiding all the people scurrying around the halls and the ones trying to stop me, and followed the footsteps until I came across a janitor closet that was opened wide.

Walking closer when I heard noises coming from it, I peered into the room and felt my heart stop.

“Jin!” I cried out and rushed in to reach for his neck as he continued to tighten the electrical wire from the broken alarm.

Jin started to make a gurgling sound and his lips started to turn blue and I fought more to get the wire out of his grasp trying to ignore the dead eyed look and stitched lips.

“Let him go!” I growled out as I forced my hands between Jin’s left hand and began to pull against the force that was trying to keep its grasp on Jin’s hand and tighten the wire.

Jin’s eyes began to droop and his knees gave out making us fall to the ground and I fought even harder to get the wire out of his grip or at the very least loosen it to get my hand between his neck and the wire.

“There you are! Sir you are not allowed to run in the halls! And just what did you and your friend think you were doing banging so loudly on the d-”

I shot my head up and noticed a nurse now staring at us in shock. “Don’t just stand there help me!” I growled out.

That got her out of her shock as she was instantly on her walkie and kneeling down trying to help me get the wire off a now too still Jin. I also noticed the stitches were gone; not so much as a trace they were ever there.

“You can’t have him!” I quietly growled when I noticed the nurse was busy talking on her walkie to hear my words.

A security guard, a doctor, and two male nurses suddenly arrived and the security guard instantly pushed the nurse of the way to take over helping me get the wire away from Jin.

Finally, the force was lifted and we managed to get the wire off and thrown somewhere far from the older boy and the doctor instantly checked for a pulse before started CPR.

I was pushed out of the small area then by the nurses and all I could is stare in shock as they fought to get Jin breathing again.

A few agonizing seconds later Jin’s chest suddenly lifted harshly off the ground as he took in a deep breath.

“Thank God!” I gasped out as the tears that I hadn’t noticed before started to fall faster as I pushed from the wall and followed after Jin once a bed had been rolled over to us and he was laid on it.

I followed him all the way to the double doors before I was made to stop by one of the male nurses.

“We need to get him into ICU he’s breathing but barely. We need to check and make sure his air way and vocals weren’t badly damaged. Once we know anything we’ll find you.” He said and all I could was nod.

Then I remembered Namjoon was now alone and fear hit me even harder.

“I-I’m one of the friends staying the night with Namjoon. J-Jin was too. I-I’ll just be in his room.” I said in a sort of daze.

The nurse patted my shoulder in sympathy as he nodded before rushing off after Jin.

I stood there for a few more seconds before turning and slowly making my way to Namjoon’s room.

When I made it, I sighed in relief to see him sleeping soundly on the bed.

My heart broke me knowing I’d have to tell him everything when he woke up later.

Then I remember the others and I instantly pulled my phone out and called Sejin.

“Hoseok? Everything alright?” Sejin asked after two rings and the tears fell harder then.

“J-Jin.” I sobbed out.

“What about Jin? Hoseok?” I couldn’t answer him, I was too busy trying to catch my breath. “Breath with me Hoseok. In and out. In and out. Good, that’s it. You with me?” he asked as I calmed.

“Jin’s hurt.” I finally got out.

“Hurt? How? What the hell happened?! Never mind, I’m getting the others and we’ll be there soon. And I want the truth, the actual truth, when we arrive!” he hung up then and I clasped onto the couch and hid my face in my hands letting the tears fall yet again tonight as I felt my whole body shaking.

‘That was way too close. I thought what happened to Namjoon was close, but Jin actually stopped breathing.’ I couldn’t help but think before moving to sit closer to Namjoon and gently took a hand into mine.

Needing to know the younger was safe, even if it’s just for now.

And that’s chapter nine!! I hope everyone liked it and thank you once again for all support and love of the story!! See you in the next one!!

Ouija BTS AUOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara