Red in His Ledger

Start from the beginning

   Happy pulled into the garage of the Tower, and almost immediately Tony gathered Peter up into his arms and began to carry him to the top floor. Happy shut off the car and sat behind the wheel for a few moments, unsure of what to do, before he quickly began to follow behind the two superheroes.

   Once they reached the top, Happy waited in the living room as Tony brought Peter into the kid's own room. He bundled the kid in blankets before laying beside him.

  "Mr. Stark I-, I-, I don't know how it happened! I didn't mean to him to....d- die!" Peter sobbed as he shoved his face into the blankets.

  "I know Peter, but it wasn't your fault. I know how you're going to try to blame this all on yourself, but it's not your fault. On the way over, Karen finally told me exactly what happened, and kid, you can't blame yourself for something that criminal did." Tony said to Peter almost immediately after the kid spoke.

  "But it was my fault...he-,"

   "He shot himself, he was trying to kill you, Peter. And you were trying to stop him, he pulled the trigger. I know that's going to be extremely hard to accept but....those are the facts kid. It's going to hurt,  for God knows how long, but, it will be okay. You're allowed to grieve, but the one thing you are not allowed to do, is blame yourself."

   "I know he-," Peter stops to hiccup in the middle of his sentence, "-was a criminal, Mr. Stark, b-but that doesn't mean he deserved to die, and I know...I know he was trying to kill me."  

  Tony stopped to think, staring at the small boy who was shivering next to him. Peter was always so happy, so full of life and joy, that it physically pained him to see him in this state. He was a teenager, and yes, he looked younger than his age, but right now, in Tony's eyes, he looked like a child. A lost, hurting kid, his kid.

   "Before I was Iron Man, as you probably already know, Stark Industries was used to manufacture weapons. These weapons...killed thousands of people, Peter. I- I knew what I was doing, I understood exactly what was happening to the families those weapons would destroy. But I carried on, should I be held responsible for those deaths?"

  Peter stopped and seemed to slightly uncurl himself from the ball he had wrapped himself in, "No, of course not! You stopped that! You're a hero now!"

  "So are you, Peter. Every hero makes mistakes, messes up, every hero has a spotty past." Tony paused, before taking a breath, "When I was captured, in Afghanistan, by the Ten Rings, I thought I was going to die. And I would have, if not for Yinsen. I killed people then, Peter. Not from a distance, right in front of me people died." Tony confessed to Peter.

   Peter uncovered half of his face and peered up at Tony, "But you would have died if you didn't do that, more people would have died if you didn't do that."

   "The same applies to you kid, he was trying to shoot you, kid. He might have shot other people if he got away. And I'm not saying it was good that he died, I'm just saying to you can't blame yourself. Okay, kid?"

    Peter nodded, still halfway hidden by the blanket. After a moment he sprang upwards, out of the cocoon of blankets and wrapped his arms around Tony, the adult smiled softly before returning the hug.

   "How about you get some sleep, Underoos?"

    "C-can you stay with me? At least until I fall asleep?" Peter asked, once again resembling a small child.

   Tony's face softened, and he nodded, once again wrapping Peter up in the blankets before making himself comfortable.

  "Rest, kid, we'll talk more when you wake up," was the last thing Peter heard before he fell asleep.

  Tony gently untangled himself from Peter's arms and made his way into the living room. He stopped and stared in surprise at Happy. He had forgotten Happy had followed him up. Looking down at his watch, Tony realized Happy had been sitting down on the couch, waiting for news, for almost two hours.

  Happy looked slightly embarrassed as he spoke to Tony, "I just wanted to make sure the kid was okay."

  Tony thought for a moment, before confidently saying, "He will be, the kid's strong."

  Tony collapsed down onto the couch, Happy sitting across the room from him, and Tony began to explain exactly what had transpired earlier in the night.


    It really do be like that sometimes.

     I don't know if this made much sense, but I've had this idea in my brain for a while, and here it is!

  Again, apologies for not updating recently! Thank you all for reading, if you want, comment and request something! Until next time!

  Words: 1435

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