Everyone at the hospital was dead.

It had looked like someone had walked in and shot everyone in the head. Had she just walked into a mass shooting?

As Hope ran to her Aunts room in desperation  hoping to find her Aunt hiding, alive, and unscathed...
She caught a glimpse of someone  limping down a darkened hall toward her.

Hope froze for a moment, wondering if it was the shooter. She then thought it may be an injured victim, and she hurried to help.

As she grew closer to this limping figure, however,  every hair on her neck stood on edge, she knew something was very wrong..

This person wasn't injured, this person was dead...and walking...
This "person" was trying to BITE her!!

It couldn't be real, but it was.
Was she having a nightmare? No, the twisted scene before her was very real, and terrifying.

After the realization of what was happening hit her, and she found her aunt was dead, she ran to her car and headed straight to her father's house.

She finally arrived at her father's house to find he was gone.

Not dead. Just not there.

Hope was scared, she tried time after time but no matter how many times she tried to call Liam her calls never went through.

After calming herself down, she raided her father's house and took what she thought was necessary.

She soon realized that he must have known she would show up. He had left her half of his guns, food, and other things that were necessary for survival.

She was tempted to stay and wait for him.
Maybe he would come back.

But she knew she had to get home.
She had to see if her kids were ok.

She knew her father would find her eventually.
He was a smart son of a bitch and he knew his daughter like he knew the back of his hand.

Hope soon ran outside to her car, throwing all her bags in the back.

As she was getting In the driver's seat she noticed one of those "things" was standing in front of her car, it was covered in blood and looked like death. It's eyes were glazed over which confirmed Hope's thoughts.

This plague had reached home.

As the thing started to stumble towards Hope, growling loudly, she took a deep breath and aimed one her father pistols at it's chest.

With slight hesitation she pulled the trigger. It kept coming.
Shaking off her shock, she stilled herself and shot again...It was still  coming.

She then aimed the gun at the things head. It finally fell dead..again.

She took note that it must be a head shot.

She then jumped in her car and drove home. She took the back roads knowing that the traffic would slow her down. It was obvious that whatever had taken over Florida had also taken over Georgia.

Finally arriving home, right outside of Atlanta, she pulled into her and Liams shared driveway. She ran into her house and started calling out for her children.


Not hearing her children  running down the hall and yelling her name nearly killed the woman right then.

After searching the home she came to the conclusion that Liam had gotten them out.

Most of Liams clothes were gone, along with all of their guns and most of their food.

Ryders clothes were also gone, along with his baseball cards and some of this other favorite things.

Skylins room was a mess.
Clothes were thrown everywhere and her toys were all in the floor. Most of her clothes were gone along with her favorite dolls and her brand new tea cup set.

Hope layed on her daughter's bed, holding one of her teddy bears as she sobbed into the light pink pillow case.

She was scared that they weren't safe.

But she knew that even though Liam was rarely home he would never let anything bad happen to their kids.

After she recovered from her breakdown she packed all of her clothes, along with more of her kids belongings
She grabbed personal hygiene products and several photo books that held all of her memories with her children, her husband, and her father.

She packed her car and got into the driver's seat.

As she started the car she promised herself that no matter what life threw at her, she would find them. She knew they were safe.

She felt it, and she would find them no matter what.

Ok so basically in my book the apocalypse is gonna start in May of 2010. Just letting y'all know.

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