The Titans

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Raven POV

"Someone wake up Raven!" I groaned hearing Jaime yelling.
"What do you think I'm trying to do?" I growled as I tried to fight against Psimon's trap. I turned to Damian and yelled,
"Damian we have to get out of here!" He nodded slowly obviously still fighting to regain full control. M'gann must have read me and knew that I would fight hardest to save Damian, no wonder his prison was so much more elaborate. I thought feeling guilt at the thought. His head snapped up and I saw a clear blush covering his face.
"What?" I snapped feeling my guilt be replaced by annoyance.
"It's just...... you-I mean I- I mean..... is that true?" He stuttered his normal composure completely gone. I blinked and stuttered,
"Wh-what?" He scratched the back of his head and avoided eye contact before asking,
"That thing about 'fighting hardest to save me', did you mean it?" If I had been in my physical body I'm sure that either all my blood would either drain from my face or rush into it, but since I wasn't in my physical body and neither of those things could happen I settled for stammering barely formed sentences for a minute while I tried to think of how to respond. Eventually I managed to mutter,
"Shit....... did I say that outloud?" To which Damian nodded in reply, still avoiding eye contact at all costs. I thought for a minute trying to collect my thoughts.
"Yeah, of course I meant it Damian, you mean a lot to me." I said smiling at him softly. He blushed ferociously and I could tell he was trying to decide something. Then he looked up at me and said,
"You mean a lot to me too Raven." I smiled, allowing myself to enjoy the moment for the short time that it lasted. Then both of us shook it off and returned to the task at hand.
"So how do we get out of here? Psimon probably has some kind of defense mechanism so that you can't get out psychically so what are we going to do?" Damian asked his jade eyes darkening with concentration as he tried to compose a new plan. I thought for a moment before suddenly freezing as an idea hit me like ice cold water being thrown in my face. Am I really doing this? I asked myself as I surreptitiously moved closer to him. Then I caught his eye and thought, Yup, I'm doing it. Then with boundless confidence that I knew I didn't have I grabbed the collar of his uniform and rammed my lips to his. Naturally his first response was to stiffen like a board and I felt a small pang of regret and, honestly, rejection before his arms slid around my waist and pulled me closer. Then, suddenly, my eyes snapped open and I looked around seeing the Tower in utter chaos: Dick-even though he was using kryptonite-took a hefty blow to the jaw from Superboy, Kori seemed somehow unable to beat their Robin, Gar was barely managing to dodge hits from Kid Flash, and Jaime was completely immobilized by some kind of green foam, while Donna- luckily- had Miss Martian's arms pinned to her side with her lasso and was trying to fight off Aqualad and Artemis who were baring down on her like a tidal wave. I turned around to look at Damian who was staring at me, his eyes wide under his mask. He scrubbed the tears off of his face and growled,
"We'll talk about what just happened later, first get Beatle free then deal with the archer, I'll deal with the Martian and atlantean." I nodded and flew up directing my powers towards the foam around Jaime. The foam splintered as a purple trimmed ray of black shot through it and he exploded out of it.
"Hell yeah Raven! Welcome back hermana!" He exclaimed shooting a ray at Superboy who was advancing on a staggering Dick. I grinned at him and turned my attention to Artemis who was aiming an arrow at me. I don't think so. I thought shooting the bow out of her hands before removing all of the remaining arrows from the quiver on her back. While I was doing this Damian threw a handful of small bombs between the tied up Miss Martian and Aqualad who was still over powering Donna. They exploded, the fire causing both of them to fall to the ground groaning weakly. Everyone seemed to take our awakening as a sign to start striking back. They all began to rally as Kori yelled,
"Now that everyone's together again, I think I can officially say: Titans,  TOGETHER!" She landed a strong punch to Robin's stomach and sent him flying into the wall past Psimon while Damian threw a few batarangs to pin him. Dick, with the help from his kryptonite and Blue Beatle's cannon, managed to finally subdue Superboy. Meanwhile Gar stepped into Kid Flash's path and morphed, ironically, into a turtle. He withdrew into his shell while Donna positioned herself a little ways in front of him. When Kid Flash finally ran towards Gar he tripped, flying into Donna's waiting fist. She punched up sending him up into the ceiling and then down again onto the floor, where he lay unconscious. Finally Artemis, who had retrieved her bow and a couple of her arrows, shot one of them at me. Damian managed to cut it in half just in time but I had to shield all of us from the explosion it caused.
"Trick arrows, tch. Why am I not surprised?" Damian asked glaring at her. He looked back at me confidently and said,
"Leave archer-girl to us, you handle Psimon." I nodded and flew up the best I could, dodging arrows and the occasional explosion as I looked around for the two Psimons. The living room was in shambles and had multiple unconscious heroes but I couldn't find the villains anywhere.
"I can't find him! I'm going to go look around, can you guys deal with this on your own?" I called over the fighting. Damian dodged an arrow and glanced up at me, our eyes met for a fraction of a second and he nodded. With that I summoned a portal and teleported to where I thought I sensed the doppelgangers.

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