The Titans

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Damian POV

I was training, trying to keep my mind off of Raven's condition when I noticed a presence enter the training room. I assumed that it was Grayson at first but when I glanced over where I thought he was I didn't see anything. I continued fighting while looking around Surreptitiously. I still felt the presence behind me so I followed my instincts and swung around and pressed my sword where I figured was at least in front of whoever was using what I assumed was some kind of stealth technology.
"Who are you?" I asked narrowing my eyes while pushing down the slight feeling that I looked ridiculous and probably insane. I heard a feminine voice gasp and the green skinned girl who Raven was fighting appeared in front of me with my sword at her throat. I mentally punched the air proudly knowing that my instincts were right. Still got it. I thought as an arrogant smirk made it's way onto my face. The girl in front of me smiled and said,
"You certainly do Damian, it looks like your instincts haven't faded even remotely, I'm sure your grandfather would be proud." My eyes widened for half a second before I narrowed them again and pressed my sword closer to her throat.
"Who are you and how are you reading my thoughts?" I asked growling. She smiled brightly and replied,
"Hello M'gann! I'm M'gann, I'm a Martian it's kinda what we do." I raised an eyebrow feeling suspicious. Why is she being so glib about all this? I have her at sword point and she's standing there smiling like an idiot. I thought momentarily thinking about Logan. She frowned slightly for a moment before smiling again and stating,
"Well for one thing, I'm offended by the 'idiot' comment, but I'm smiling because I know that you won't hurt me." I froze momentarily as my mind drifted back to a fateful night on pier 64.
My beloved Raven smiled at me and said,
" may be insufferable, but in your heart you are a kind and generous soul."
I shook the memory from my mind but it was already too late, she had seen it. 'M'gann' had a jeering, almost cruel smirk playing across her lips in place of her usual bright smile.
"Well, well, look who has a weakness. Big bad Robin has a soft spot for the demon girl, fitting considering your past." I shifted my sword defensively as she started to move. She stepped around my sword and began to approach me. I moved it in front of me so that it was pointing directly in front of her. She paused for a moment and looked between it and me.
"I know that you don't kill anymore, but I wonder if you'd still be able to fight me if I looked like your 'beloved'." She said her smirk widening. My eyes widened dramatically as she transformed right in front of me. Her long red hair shortened and turned black, her red eyes turned indigo, and her green skin turned deathly pale. And if that wasn't enough her clothes changed from a black one piece with a red X covering the front and a blue hooded cape to Raven's suit and dark purple cloak. I faltered as she gave me a small smile, much like the one that Raven gave me at the pier, and in Raven's voice said,
"Come on Damian, put the sword down. " She began approaching me again and for some stupid reason I allowed her to push my sword out the way. She stopped directly in front of me and I shook my head taking a step back.
"You aren't Raven, you're just a shapeshifter who took her form." I said avoiding looking at her. She stepped closer again and placed a pale hand against my cheek while reaching an arm around me to hold me in place. I stood frozen as she turned my head to look her in the, now deep indigo, eyes that stopped my heart every time I looked into them.
"Damian..... look at me." She said softly and I bit my lip while mentally repeating: Not  Raven, not Raven, not Raven. Not....
"Raven....." I murmured my sword slipping from my hand as she leaned forward and I found my eyes fluttering shut as her lips stopped only an inch away from mine. Just then a very familiar red trimmed ray of darkness shog her into a wall and I found myself snapping out of whatever trance I was in. Raven, the real Raven red skin and four demonic red eyes and all, came running over to me and gestured towards the now unconscious Martian who had reverted to her usual appearance on making contact with the wall.
"What the hell was that Damian?! Why were you just standing there like that while she tried to ki- wait..... WHY WAS SHE TRYING TO KISS YOU?! AND WHY THE HELL DID SHE HAVE MY FACE?!" She asked all but shrieking towards the end. Meanwhile all I could manage to do was fight down the blush that was threatening to turn my skin the same color as hers. Eventually we both managed to return to our normal skin tones and regain our composure.
"I don't know what she was doing, she must have been trying to get me to lower my guard by taking on the form of one of my teammates." I said calmly forcing myself not to avoid eye contact.
"And the kiss? What was with that? And why were..... you just letting her......" She asked her voice trailing off. Oh shit! I thought as I fought the urge to panic.
"I guess she thought it would catch me off guard or throw me off, it must have because I felt her in my mind, she was looking for weaknesses." I said rubbing the back of my head in shame.
"That doesn't explain why you didn't move, you should have pushed her away, you aught to have realized it wasn't me sooner, you should have known it the second she started acting like that." She said crossing her arms sternly. I ignored the pang in my chest and replied,
"She twisted my mind, I wasn't thinking clearly." She nodded slowly and we both turned to the unconscious Martian.
"So? What do we do with her?" She asked gesturing at her. I frowned and said,
"Use your powers to neutralize her's, keep her out of our minds. We'll interrogate her when she wakes up." She nodded and walked over to the M'gann, placing her hands on either side of her head. A violet glow surrounded her and she stepped back saying,
"It's done."

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