The Titans

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3rd POV

It was just another day in Titan's Tower, everyone was in the training room fighting simulated opponents when there was a sudden explosion outside.
"What was that?!" Gar yelled as he quickly morphed from a bear into a mouse. Kori frowned and ordered them all to get outside. They emerged from the tower to find six teenagers all clad in black. There were two girls, one of them had green skin and wore a blue hood over a black one-piece suit with a red X crossing the front, and the other wore a black crop-top with a green arrowhead insignia on it and long black leggings. She held up a compound bow and aimed some very dangerous looking arrows at Beast Boy. Along with them were four boys: one of them wore a black version of the Robin suit, a boy wearing a black shirt with the superman symbol and combat style pants and boots, then there was a red haired boy wearing a black suit very similar to Kid Flash's from the original Titans, and finally there was a boy wearing a black sleeveless shirt that exposed the tattoos running down his arms, he held two strange looking sabers. All of them simply stood in front of the Titans motionlessly staring with blank eyes.
"It would seem that our visitors are giving us the next move, how courteous. Titans GO!" Starfire exclaimed racing towards the boy with the superman shirt. The Titans all paired up with one of the attackers: Raven with the green-skinned girl, Damian with the supposed Robin, Beast Boy with the girl with the bow, Blue Beatle took the apparent speedster, Nightwing and the boy with the sabers, meanwhile Wonder Girl played interference. At first the fight seemed even, it even started to look like the Titans were getting the upper hand, unfortunately good things never last long. While he was locked in combat with the supposed Robin, who was starting to remind him of a very real Nightwing, Damian found himself taking a painfully familiar spin kick to the jaw.
"Ugh!" He grunted as he was thrown back a good foot away. He paused to quickly regroup and realized that they were losing: Starfire was grappling with the boy in the superman shirt and Damian was pretty certain that he heard a crack coming from her hands, the boy with the tattoos- who was apparently a hydrokinetic- was using the water from the ocean nearby to enhance his swords and had Nightwing pinned down, Beast Boy was running out of animals to morph into and was clearly getting tired out, and it was becoming all that Blue Beatle could do to defend himself from the speedster's attacks. In mounting panic Damian looked up from his place on the ground to see that Raven appeared to be the only one fairing well against her opponent. Just then the green skinned girl's eyes glowed green and Damian saw Raven clutch her head then start to drop out of the air.
"Raven!" He forced himself up and raced over to where she was about to crash into the ground. He barely managed to catch her in time and shot Starfire a desperate glance. She managed to free her hands by head butting her opponent and yelled,
"WE NEED TO REGROUP! GET BACK INTO THE TOWER!" This was followed by a barrage of star bolts and blasts from Blue Beatle's cannon as cover fire as they ran inside.

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