The Titans

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Raven POV

I stepped into the tower and immediately noticed that something was wrong. I sensed some unfamiliar emotions throughout the tower but I couldn't make them out because of an overwhelming feeling of fear and heartbreak that had seemed to fill the tower like suffocating smoke. I made my way to the origin of the feelings and found M'gann standing over the team who were all collapsed onto their knees staring at the ground in front of them in utter horror. I immediately felt a wave of cruel satisfaction crash into me from M'gann and I felt myself fill with righteous anger as I looked at my tortured team.
"What did you do to them M'gann?" I asked her barely trying to control my demonic half. She turned around to face me and I immediately recognized the dead look in her eyes. Shit...... I thought in annoyance. Before she could do anything I projected an image of fire into her mind. She collapsed and writhed in pain. I tried to ignore it but the small part of me that was my father's daughter thought Good, you made my friends suffer, you deserve this. I shook off that cruel thought and turned my attention to my suffering friends. I first went to stand in front of Gar and took a quick glance inside his mind and, to no surprise I found him reliving the moment of Tara's death. Oh Gar.... I thought empathetically before turning to Jaime who was being shown images of his family abandoning him because of the Scarab. I winced at this and turned away to Dick and Kori who were reliving her sister's coup and his parents deaths. One by one I was able to help them shake off M'gann's control and pull them out of their psychic prisons. I gulped as I turned to Damian who, for the first time since I'd met him had tears running unhindered down his face. I hesitated before going into his mind after our altercation I was worried that he would be too angry with me to accept my help, after all it wouldn't be the first time. Jaime placed a hand on my shoulder nodding encouragingly I went in and the scene before shocked me to the core: Damian knelt on the ground in a black and gray cityscape with a bloodied and beaten body cradled in his arms, my beaten and broken body.
"Raven... I'm so sorry. I-it's all my fault, I should've just told you.... and now I'll never get the chance." He said bending over the illusion his shoulders shaking as his body was wracked with sobs.
"Oh Damian..... hey it's alright, I'm right here." I said softly approaching him like he was a wounded animal. Once I was right in front of him he slowly lifted his head. I knelt down in front of him and waited for him to register my presence.
"R-R-Raven?" He asked blinking through his tears. I nodded and quietly said,
"Yeah Damian, I'm here, I'm here and I'm alive. Now we have to go, the rest of the team is waiting." He shook his head and curled up over the dead body lying in his lap.
"I can't go back, I can't face them, not after what I did..... I can't face any of them I-I can't go back. Father....father will never forgive me not to mention the Titans...... I'd be better off back at the league...... when it's all said and done it'll always be my home.... why did I ever think I could be anything else than an Al Ghul?" He said the life draining from his eyes. What could M'gann possibly have convinced him that he did to get him like this? I thought looking around us. That's when I really looked at my fake body: it was bruised with blood coming out of its mouth, and sticking out of its stomach was a simple black batarang. I looked up at Damian's tear soaked face and murmured,
"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. You were the one who told me that, back when I almost stayed in my father's hellish realm because I felt like leaving again would lead to my father getting free again. I thought it would be for the best for me to just stay behind and leave the rest of you to live your lives. But you stopped me. You brought me back from my darkest place and I'm going to bring you back from yours." He looked at me with his jade green eyes shining with tears. He shook his head again and I sighed.
"Damian I'm not dead, none of this is real I'm alive, I'm alive and I need your help. Psimon is controlling M'gann again and we can't win without you. Please Damian we need you, god this is lame, I need you." I said placing my hand on his face and forcing him to look me in the eye. He stared at me for a moment before gingerly placing his own hand against my cheek.
"Y-you're really alright?" He asked me hope filling his eyes.
"Yeah for now, but please Damian we need to get you out of here, what do you remember last?" I asked him and he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.
"I.... I went to find you... to try to explain...." I shook my head and asked,
"After that, once you went back into the tower?" He nodded mutely and said,
"M'gann......" he perked up and shakily stood up, bracing himself against my shoulders as he did so.
"Psimon took control of M'gann, he- he's in the tower, he used M'gann as a distraction and......" he trailed off as fear started to fill his eyes.
"You have to get out! It's a trap! He knows you weren't with us, he planned to use us to bring you into the tower so that he could-" Just as he was trying to explain I felt a sharp pain in my head and heard a menacing and familiar voice,
'And it looks like my trap worked. Enjoy your time in your friend's mind my dear Raven, because you're never getting out.'

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