Justice League

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3rd POV

"What do you mean we still can't find them?!" Bruce Wayne yelled into his phone, his usual cold and composed demeanor shattering into anger and panic. He ran a hand over his face and tried to compose himself.
"Look Clark I know that the league is doing everything we can but maybe we need to do something else, try a new approach. They can't have vanished from the face of the universe!" Then he paused and said,
"Clark? Get everyone to the Watchtower, I have an idea."
(Time skip)
"Batman are you sure about this? We can't afford to get this wrong, The Team's lives could be hanging on this hunch." Wonder Woman said looking at him skeptically. He nodded mutely and turned to the Watchtower computers and continued to work on searching for coordinates as the entire Justice League looked on, unsure of how to handle the situation.
"What are we even looking for? I mean just because you got the idea that they might be in another universe, which we still have no actual evidence even exists in the first place, doesn't mean that they are." Green Arrow argued crossing his arms and glaring cynically. Batman ignored him and continued typing before saying,
"Someone get Zatara, I need his tracking magic to pinpoint this." Captain Marvel raced out and came back with Zatara in toe.
"I need you to pinpoint the location of the boom tube activity in the Amazon, it's possible that one was used to capture The Team." Batman said pulling up a holographic globe in front of him. Zatara stood in front of the globe and raised his arms.
"Tniopnip eht noitacol fo eht moob ebut desu ot pandik eht meat!" He exclaimed his voice echoing with magic. A small red dot appeared on the globe.
"There, that's where they were taken from." Zatara stated excitedly.
"Well I'll be damned......" Black Canary murmured earning an admonishing look from Superman.
"Looks like that's where we need to go, we'll send a small group in order to keep this on a low profile." He said stepping towards the globe and standing in front of the League. Batman stood up from his computer and moved to stand next to Superman before asking,
"So, whose going?"

Mirror|rorriM(A Teen Titans Vs. Young Justice Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें