Chapter 2

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*ugh.  I hated editing this.  If you notice anything that sticks out, let me know and I'll fix.*


Chapter 2

Getting dressed without being able to see was actually a lot easier than it sounded. I knew my own body better than anything, and the clothes were my old ones—from the days back before I had moved in with Jordan.

By feel, I managed to slip an old sundress over my head and a pair of old flip-flops.  My nightgown, I shoved into my duffle and wrestled the zipper shut. 

Then, I froze as a sudden though occurred to me; I hadn’t stopped to think how I would sneak out of here with my bag.

It wasn’t too big, but I doubted that anyone wouldn't be just a little suspicious if I tried to stumble down the stairs with it.  

As far as my mother and the others were concerned, I was confined to the Lilac House until I was well enough to move back in with my mom. 

 It didn’t matter that I was nineteen and legally an adult by pack standards.  It was as if the tragedy of what happened had reverted me back to being a child; a lost little girl who had to be sheltered and protected.

I knew that if Delphine saw me trying to leave with my duffel, she’d haul me back into bed and go straight to my mother.


I hadn't thought about that when coming up with my 'master plan.'

Letting out a shaky sigh, I leaned against the wall and tried to come up with a plan B.

Give up?

The back of my eyes prickled with tears and I to blink just to keep them from falling. I almost considered getting back into bed and putting my thoughts of escape on hold for now.

But who knew that if I didn’t try and leave today that I would still even want to tomorrow?

In the end, the thought of finally leaving the smothering pity of the pack was too great to resist. So, thinking fast, I hauled my duffel in the direction I knew the window to be.

I wasn’t exactly sure where, but I had felt the sunlight over by my bed, so I headed in that direction until I could feel it’s warmth on my skin. Sunlight had a certain scent—a burning, slightly spicy scent that had always tickled my nose. 

I sniffed, catching a whiff of it. The closer I came to my bed the stronger it grew.

 I reached out in the general vicinity above my nightstand and smiled when my fingers touched the glass.  Carefully I lifted it open and then reached back for my duffel.

It honesty, it wasn’t a very good plan. I knew that even as I hefted my duffel onto the window sill and shoved it.

 Down way, way below...I could hear the soft thud of it hitting the ground.

That solved my bag problem. Now, all I had to do was sneak outside, find it and get the hell out of here before anyone noticed.

If only it could be so easy.

“Roxanne?” I flinched at the sound of Delphine’s voice.

I hadn’t even heard her come up the stairs or enter my room—which instantly annoyed me. I couldn’t shake the feeling that she had snuck up on me on purpose just to make sure I was still…


I guess everyone figured that I’d try and commit suicide without constant supervision.

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