Convince Me

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*I couldn't resist posting this story, because I've had a rolicking good time rewriting it.  However, I'm not going to post all willy-nilly like I do with my other stories.  i'm going to try to stick to a strict updating schedule with this one...

Let's see how that goes.

As always, thanks for reading.*



‘I’m sorry…’

People had a habit of saying the stupidest things in an effort to comfort you—not that I could blame them.

In a situation like mine, what else was there to say?

As far as condolences went, I had heard them all.  

I’m sorry for your loss...

All wounds heal with time...

Or my favorite; you’re young, you have so much left ahead of you...

After four months of mourning I had learned how to hide my pain and pretend that the words mattered.  That they helped--when all I really wanted to do in response was scream.

I could force a nod and fake a smile, even as I died on the inside.  


Sorry meant nothing.  

A simple apology couldn’t bring Jordan back.

As for healing, well I wasn’t going to hold my breath. Time may heal all wounds, but I doubted that I’d live long enough for mine to ever close.

As for me being young, well how much of a life could await me now, without Jordan?

He was my life, my rudder, my steam. With him gone …

I had nothing left.

A thousand condolences and a million apologies would never be enough to ease the pain--or erase the guilt poisoning me from the inside.

Because, as much as everyone tried their best to make me forget...I knew the truth.

In the end, his death was my fault.

I hadn’t protected him.

I didn’t deserve to be called his mate. 

There was a saying I'd heard once; "t'was better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

As pretty as it sounded, the words were a lie.  I wished I had never met Jordan. 

I prayed that I had never fallen in love. 

If I could go back--change it--I would.  I would ignore the primal part of me that had lurched at his nearness, and sighed at his touch.  

I could have resisted.  I know I could have...

Anything to keep him alive. 

Because what they didn't tell you in those fancy sayings was that...

Love killed.

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