french kiss (5)

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A fishing boat in the middle of the sea is at great risk due to the waves, But isn't it better to risk it than to remain in a muky fish less pond.

The rain started to pour almost instantly without a drizzle. Batool the fixed herself up before walking out of the toilet.

She sat on the window seat in her room and peered at the garden.

Even tho her mind was elsewhere, the effect of the rain was still calming and she soon fell asleep. 

By the time she woke up the sky was already clear and the crescent moon was up.

"Ya allah" she exclaimed getting up. Somtimes she wonders weither she had sleeping sickness.

After she caught up on her prayers, she then again fell asleep on the praying mat.

The head maid noticed batool hadn't left her room since breakfast and decided to check up on her but nobody answerd when she knocked.

Finally she decided to go in. To her suprise she saw batool laying on the floor.

"Mrs!" She exclaimed rushing to where batool was. "Mrs! Are you ok?" She asked anxiously but there was no response.

Long time no see. This novel will be resuming

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