Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

Couldn't they see they were already being controlled? The Freedom Institute told them someone was trying to plant a bomb and their trust in the system was so absolute that they didn't need any proof.

NLBoy: We cannot let terrorism win!

Brown_Eyes25: These people are dangerous.

Vote4Life: They should lock her up and throw away the key as soon as they find out who else was working with her.

One of the interesting quirks of Athena's society was that punishments were rarely set in stone. Once a trial had been held to establish guilt or innocence, sanctions were often voted on. Straightforward cases had set punishments, which usually fit the crime and rarely consisted purely of incarceration, which was saved only for those deemed too dangerous to be out in public.

Shoplifters had to work for free in the establishments they stole from; anyone who broke the indoor smoking ban had to volunteer on lung cancer wards; cycling offences usually resulted in a temporary ban. However, the guilty party could always appeal their punishment and send it to a wider vote and were often successful at personalising their sanction once extenuating circumstances and unique factors were taken into account. You had to 'opt-in' for jury voting, which the masses tended only to do when a particularly interesting trial was being discussed on the feeds.

CityLiving: There should be a trial immediately!

Apollo9: Lock her up? Jail is too good for scum like her.

CeresLG: Why should we be paying for her food and board through our taxes for the rest of her life?

NewLondoner: Others might see it as an easy option.

Vote_Life: A serious message needs to be sent.

CityLiving: We need to teach them a lesson through a severe punishment; something that will ensure no one tries something like this ever again.

Afterworld: The death penalty should be brought back! #TerroristsMustDie

Camp101: Surely that's too extreme?

Yes! Yes that was definitely too extreme! Athena closed her eyes, unable to read any more. She counted slowly to ten. Curiosity tugged at the edges of her mind, encouraging her to read the rest. With a deep, shuddering sigh, she opened her eyes once more and was immediately assailed by more threats of violence.

XPopVoteLifex: Why? She would have killed hundreds of innocent workers at the Freedom Institute, given the chance. I agree #TerroristsMustDie

No she wouldn't! Athena thought, desperately wishing she could defend her friend. "I should never have left you," she whispered to the city streets.

"Sephy wanted you to get out, Athena. She wouldn't have sent that message otherwise." Orion was standing in front of her, his face sombre. "Come on, they sent me out to get you as it didn't look like you were going to be moving on your own any time soon."

"I thought I was in the wrong place."

"We're trying a new tactic. No more disused buildings. We're hiding in plain sight."

Orion led her through the door to the cafe as another blast filled the feeds.

Tea&cake: Someone needs to start a vote and campaign. We have to push this through. #TerroristsMustDie

New Local Vote: Citizens of New London propose a national vote on the reintroduction of the death penalty for charges of terrorism. Do you vote for, or against?

Against! Against! Athena voted furiously, her eyes wide in shock. How could this be happening? There hadn't even been a trial yet and the masses were already deciding how to punish her. The situation was spiralling out of control.

Gasps came from behind the counter as whoever was serving read the vote proposal too. Athena focused her eyes on the inside of the cafe for the first time, finding Orpheus and Ino's faces mirroring her own shock as they stood behind a countertop covered in cakes. They were wearing green aprons emblazoned with the ABC logo.

"Why is no one stopping to question whether she is innocent?" Ino wailed, still scanning the feeds.

MagicMayhem: Maybe there has been a mistake. Let's wait and see what the trial uncovers.

IT_Queen: So she was going for a relaxing stroll through the FI with a bomb, was she? #TerroristsMustDie

StarlitAphrodite: Some people are idiots. #TerroristsMustDie

FIcarus: Maybe the previous poster is one of her friends. Maybe they're in on the plot too. Someone track that feed name! We've got you now! #TerroristsMustDie

"Great. Now completely innocent people are being attacked too," Athena exclaimed. "Is there no end to this insanity? What are they going to do next?

Tea&cake: Camp rally outside the jail where she's being held. Muster at 7am sharp. Get everyone you know there. When the authorities see how strongly we feel about this, they'll have to carry out her death sentence straight away! #TerroristsMustDie

"Oh God!" Athena whispered, her feet frozen to the spot. "We have to help her."

{I'm sorry for the delay in updating! I'll try to post the last few chapters as quickly as possible. Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter and comment to let me know what you think might happen next...}

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