My Mission

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The Primordials all scrutinized me and as they did, I felt as if I was going melt on the spot. This 'studying the specimen', went on for a while, until the Primordial in the center cleared his throat. He seemed so in control and relaxed, it looked like he owned the universe. Then it dawned to me that he might actually be the creator.

He then began to speak, "As you all know, we're here to meet Nyx's champion. Perseus, former son of Poseidon, we have been informed of the betrayal faced by you and have been keeping a close watch on the Olympians."

My mom spoke next, "After your confrontation with them, they have started to try and erase you from the history of Olympus. My daughters, the Fates have informed me about this and seemed to be extremely ticked of that they are not able to control your fate."

That's something you don't hear everyday.

"Okay... I mean no disrespect, but why do you need me for that?" I asked. "They can rot it hell for I care."

Tartarus coughed loudly while a few Primordials smirked.

Aether spoke up, "Can we all just take a moment to notice that Chaos said the whole sentence in the same tone?"

"Yeah, so?" Chaos asked. He looked like a little kid pouting in a candy store.

The Primordials were all smirking. My mom whispered to me, trying to hide her smile, "We can read minds."

"Oh", was my reply.

"Alright, that's enough guys," said a Primordial sitting on a golden throne. I assume, he was Chronous, the Primordial of time. The Primordials all silenced themselves until there was one last one remaining.

He looked painfully like Poseidon, but had a white beard and looked wiser.

"Dam it Pontus," Aether said, which sent everyone in the room into another fit of giggles. Gaia was the first to recover and gave me an apologetic smile.

Chaos straightened up and snapped his fingers. The room immediately went into deadly silence. "Alright, enough with the jokes," he said, "back to business. We have have been watching the Olympians and have decided that they need to be brought back to their place."

"Yes", said a dude who looked a bit too young to be on the council, "as you have been in their presence previous, we have a mission for you."

I didn't want this but I decided that I might as well listen to what they want me to do in their 'mission'. I nodded my head for them to continue.

A woman who looked a lot like Gaia spoke, "You will be going back to the mortal world. My mother, Gaia, and uncle Tartarus will help raising a threat and drive the Olympians into havoc." I'm guessing she was Ourea, the Primordial goddess of mountains.

A big buff Primordial continued, "You will be prevented from helping them in any way possible. Your job will be to monitor them and judge them for us. See if they can overcome that pride of theirs and apologise to you, see if they treat their well and the demigods do so as well and mainly, keep an eye on the demigods."

"And remember, no helping or interfering," Nyx said.

Chaos stood up, it was wierd since he was floating mid air, "do you accept?" He asked me. "It's not for them, but for earth. There are innocent beings there who don't deserve what's happening to them."

"Alright, I'll do it," I said. Even I was quite surprised by my choice. Only a few hours ago, I had left all mortals to rot, but I realised that there are innocents among all.

Chaos nodded, I'm guessing they all just heard my thoughts. Man this is creepy.

"Tartarus will fill you in on the details," Erebus said. I nodded to him. He then snapped his fingers and after the usual pause, I appeared back in my room.

As I waited, I dosed off. Hey! You can't blame me. It's been a long day... or night.

I was then woken up.

Tartarus seriously needs to learn how to wake people up. His method is pouring water from the river Cocytus on you. Urgh! Cold and miserable.

Anyway, back to present tense, we were somewhere in Tartarus. We stopped at his heart which was surprisingly empty... I mean no monsters, uncle Tartarus is nice.

"So here's the plan," he said, "I will be bringing back all Titans, Giants and ancient monsters. They will be made to attack Olympus. If they win, they will be given control of the world alongside their mother Gaia."

I nodded my head in understanding.

Tartarus clenched his fist. His eyes glowed a sinister red. The entire pit started to tremble. Monster cries flooded my ears. The entire pit seemed breath and radiate power. Evil laughter was heard from different corners. His face transformed from the chiseled one with empty black eyes to a deformed shape I had seen during my first 'visit' here. Monsters started to lumber towards us. From the void where his head used to be, some monsters, three Titans and a Giants were spat out. Once the trembling stopped, the red clouds on the plains parted, revealing the biggest army I had ever seen. The numbers were near a quadrillion. Tartarus then snapped his fingers, causing different rocks and weirdly shaped pieces, which I realised were body parts to start assembling each other. What stood before me after that was a sight to behold. It was a warrior, a Titan by the looks of it, with golden eyes, Golden armour, a cruel handsome face and a scythe in his hand.

"Kronos", I smiled.
"The army is ready," my uncle informed me. I nodded. I couldn't help but smile. Olympus seriously needs to work it's backside off to match this.

All beings looked confused. I decided someone needed to do the explanation. I guess my uncle wanted me to do this.

I summoned some of my Night armour to look more intimidating. I stepped forward, cleared my throat and addressed the army, "As you all probably know by now, you've been brought back by Tartarus. Your job is to invade Olympus. They are becoming irresponsible and not using their powers to run the world."

My uncle rested his hand on my shoulder and spoke in his deep commanding voice, "you must gather you forces and attack the gods. Giants, my boys, you will set up base in ancient Greece and orchestrate your plan from there to raze Olympus. Titans, mount Othrys will be raised again, you must strategise to re-establish your control over the world. You may seek advice from your mother Gaia. Monsters will be recruited slowly as not all of you will be released into the mortal world at once. You have just been brought back", he finished.

"Any questions?" I asked.

"Yeah", Hyperion raised his hand, "why are you here?"

I sighed, I knew this was coming. "I was betrayed by the gods and cast out. After all I did for them, can you believe it?" I asked them. "I'm now the champion of Nyx and Erebus. I will be keeping an eye on what the gods are doing and see whether they deserve to have fate on their side or not. I will not be fighting in the war, training them or interfering in anyway." They nodded at this.

I looked at my uncle, he seemed quite exhausted. I transferred some of my energy into him and shadow travelled back to my room. I was too tired to use the darkness.

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