Goodbye Mortals

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The past two months have been the best of my life. I've gotten close to all of my siblings and had an encounter with quite a few primordials, who keep popping in and out of the mansion of Night. I've even become closer to Tartarus and convinced him to release Bob and Damasen.

Today, I was just finished with my training with dad (Erebus) and was free for a bit so I decided to visit Hemera.

"Hey sis," I greeted her.

"Hello Percy, I'd like you to meet my husband Aether," she said, pointing to the guy sitting next to her. He had startling white hair with white glowing eyes that made them look like miniature suns.

He gave me a grin, "hello Perseus, I've heard about you, nice to know I have another brother," he exclaimed cheerfully.

"Wait a minute," I said, trying to comprehend what he just told me, "you're my brother?"

He nodded. "And Hemera is my sister... ," I said, trying to connect the dots.

He smirked as he understood what I'm getting at, "We primordials don't really have DNA, Percy. When we were born, we were just in the form of light and power."

"He claims he was the brightest," Hemera said with a smirk, clearly unconvinced.

"I am!" he protested.

"So... you guys wanna hang out?" I asked them, not sure what to expect.

"Sure bro," Aether exclaimed. Hemera nodded in response, rolling her eyes in the process.

We were just leaving the mansion when both Aether and Hemera stopped dead in their tracks.

"We need to go brother, we have a meeting with the other Primordials,"  Hemera said.

"Alright, see ya later," I said. The two disappeared in a bright flash.

I decided to go up into the mortal world and speak to my mortal parents. I teleported to their cabin near Anchorage. I knocked on the door.

I heard shuffling on the other side and soon the door was opened by me mom. "Hey mom," I greeted.

"Hello dear," my mom replied as I gave her and Paul a hug each.

"Percy," my mom said, "I think the gods are looking for us".

"Yeah," I admitted, "they probably figured out that since you were no longer in the United States, I would have moved you to the land beyond the gods."

"Percy," my mom said, looking a bit nervous, "I think it's best if you don't come here and see us. Your power invites challenge and challenge invites Olympus and that endangers us and you soon to be born sister," she said.

Although what she said was true, it hurt.

To hear that coming from my own mother was just painful.

"Alright mom," I said, trying to hold back the tears. "Please call my name if you ever need me. Goodbye."

I then dissolved into the shadows and appeared back in my room. That's when the wall broke and the tears started. I don't know how long I cried but it was probably enough for Erebus, no... dad, to come to check on me.

"Hey Perseus, are you alright?"

I shook my head and told him what happened. He smiled, "Don't worry Percy, they're just mortals. Their civilization will just fly past in the blink of an eye. Don't fret about them. You have us," he said.

"Yeah. Thanks Dad", I replied. He simply gave me a soft smile and hugged me.

I guess this was me done with the mortal world. I had nothing left there. My friends have all probably been swayed by the Olympians, my parents don't want me, and the campers have probably forgotten that I ever existed.

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