The Primordial Council

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As I was teleporting to my room, I lost control over the darkness. It pulled me from my current path and spat me out in the backyard of the mansion. I usually avoid this part because it ends abruptly and falls into endless darkness that only my mom and dad have power over. It then passes into the void, which only the Primordials are allowed into and is dangerous for even them.

My mother Nyx appeared in front of me, "Percy, the council wishes to meet you."

Cool, when are they coming?" I asked like a little kid.

She shook her head. "They aren't coming here, we're going there."

I was a bit confused, are we going to their individual domains? Nyx saw my confused expression and replied, "we're going to the throne room and before you ask, it's in the void."

I nodded. "So when do we leave?" I asked.

"Right about now," she said, and we dissolved into darkness.

We were a part of the darkness for longer than I expected. Then I realised that the universe was made in the void and we were probably traveling through a few light years. I wondered how long it would take for Hemera and Aether to get to the throne room.

We soon appeared in a huge room that made the Olympian throne room look like a changing room. There were a bunch of spots for what I assumed were for thrones. Erebus was sitting on his throne, it looked like what was at home.

Then it dawned to me that the other spots are empty because the other Primordials' thrones are probably in their domains.

Nyx' throne appeared and my mom sat on it. As she did, a wave a darkness overcame the room. I grew to almost the same height as my mom.

"Sit here Perseus," she said as a pure black throne appeared next to my mom, but at a lower level. My mom also sounded more serious and in power, letting her aura flow all over the place.

Soon, the room trembled and two other thrones popped up next to my mom's, both bright, Aether and Hemera. As they appeared into their thrones, the aura rolling of them added to Nyx's. I realized that if a mortal was here, they would have disintegrated on the spot.

The other Primordials soon started to appear along with their thrones. The room was full of super powerful beings all looking at me. I realized that if they were mad at me, I would just seize to exist. My mom put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly, "Calm down Percy, they're your family."

I smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, something changed in the atmosphere. A throne appeared in with another Primordial on it, but as it happened, the ground started trembling and the thrones of the Primordials raised themselves a good 20 feet above the floor.The Primordial council was now in session and the guy who just appeared looked extremely powerful.

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