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By lunchtime the next day, Matthew was exhausted. He had never walked so much in his life. He, Chloe, Jennifer, Norman and John had spied on ten homes in the southwest of the Free Territory. Sadly, none of them was the home of Miss Thorn's sister.

Matthew had dreamt about Mrs Grey the previous night. It wasn't a nice dream. He was all alone in the Harrower, the place completely bare, and huddled in the corner. There was a tap on the window. At first, Matthew didn't see her, but then, as if appearing like magic, he saw her peering through the window. Next thing, she started to hack at the cabin walls, wanting to get in. Matthew had woken up in sweats before she succeeded.

'What about the Greys in the Westies and the Mongraw Gang's territories?' asked Ramon. He was eating a sandwich in his hammock.

'We'll start thinking about that when we've searched the Free Territory first,' replied Jennifer, as she, Matthew, and the three others flopped down at the table.

'Ahhhh, that's nice,' said Matthew, lying back.

Scrutinizing the huge mound of sandwiches on a tray in front of him, Norman said, 'Ramon, don't tell me you made the sandwiches.'

'I sure did,' Ramon smiled.

Norman's face soured in annoyance. He took a sandwich and pulled it apart, huffing at what he saw. 'Don't tell me they're all peanut butter and cheese sandwiches.'

Even Matthew recoiled at the combination.

'Peanut butter and cheese sandwiches are amazing,' replied Ramon, still smiling. 'And no, they're not all peanut butter and cheese. I made mustard and apple, banana and fish, corned beef and beans, and milk and bread.'

'Milk and bread?'

'A miraculous accident,' proclaimed Ramon. 'I was boiling some milk to drink when I was making the sandwiches and I dropped a few slices of bread in it. The whole thing turned to mush. I didn't want to throw it out so I made sandwiches out of it. They taste really good . . . a bit soggy, though.'

John found one of the milk and bread sandwiches and lifted it up, milky chunks dripping from it. 'That's it. From now on, you, Ramon, are never making sandwiches ever again.'

His stomach rumbling, Matthew decided to go for it. 'I think I'll have a corned beef and beans.'

'Sorry,' said Ramon, ' but they've all been eaten. They were the first ones to go. Seriously, try the milk and bread.'

'Not me,' said John. 'I'm not having any of them.'

'They can't go to waste,' said Chloe.

'Maybe we can give them to Aldo and Jeff,' said John.

That morning Matthew and the rest of the cabin had been told by Ramon of a terrible incident that had occurred the other day to two boys, Aldo and Jeff. A pack of wild dogs had attacked them at their home, ripping up all their clothes and eating what little food they had. Chloe had proposed helping out, replacing what they had lost, and taking it to them after tonight's practice.

Jennifer did not approve of John's suggestion. 'Have a little respect, John. Just 'cause they have nothing doesn't mean you can give them anything.' She looked extremely cross with him.

'It was just a joke . . . I wouldn't dare give these sandwiches to them,' said John. 'Not just out of respect, but their health, too.'

Matthew, Chloe and Jennifer continued searching for Mrs Grey after lunch (the banana and fish weren't that bad). Norman and John, however, were to help Slink at the garage make a simple practice cart all the non-racers could practice with.

Matthew and the Chimney Sweeps: Book One (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now