7 - I am Louis Enrique Emerson

Start from the beginning

"Well that was totally normal." Jordan said in a low voice.

"Yeah, looks like she is in a good mood." Haru commented.

"No shit!" I said under my breathe.

"And she also looks refreshed. I mean she doesn't have those Panda eyes anymore." Jordan said and we gave him a look for the stupid name he gave her.

"Let's get inside people. It's almost time for the last bell." Ashton said heading towards the school.

The first thing I noticed as I entered the class is Shaden speaking to one of the guys from the class. I think it is he who approached her. She was explaining him something from our physics textbook and for a moment I wondered how a 15 year old girl will be able to manage the syllabus which is meant for an 18 year old kid. But that thought was long forgotten when I realized that the guy was actually trying to flirt with her instead of listening to her. 

"Jake, you might find this amusing, but let me tell you the truth. It's annoying. You flirting with me, is making me extremely uncomfortable." she said in a cool voice. 

"They say that there is a thin line between discomfort and enjoyment Darling." he said with a wink and she just rolled her eyes at him. 

"No one says that. And the correct saying is 'There is a thin line between sanity and insanity'." she said, with her arms across her chest. 

"Are you sure it's not 'Between love and hate'?" he asked.

"Then it's a good thing I feel neither of them for you." 

"Oh, so I have a window to work my way through?" he asked with a wink and she just laughed loudly at this. He smiled brightly at her response. 

"You are impossible." she said with a small smile. 

"Impossibly charming? Yes, I know." 

"Naah, but now you are just getting hilarious." she replied and he shook his head with an amused smile and walked back to his place. 

Something about their interaction left a bitter taste in my mouth. Jake is not a good person. He's an asshole and a womanizer. Yes, I sleep with my own share of girls, but I at least inform them what they are getting into before anything even happens. But Jake isn't like that. He breaks hearts left and right without remorse. It's almost like he takes pleasure in seeing girls cry and in breaking up couples. Yes, he is also a poacher.

"That's an interesting conversation. Girl, you knew that he was checking you out through and through right?" Jess asked as she took her place

"Yes of course. I mean who can help not checking this out?" she said pointing at herself to which all of the guys whistled at her and the other girls just scoffed at her. For someone who looked heartbroken and fragile, she sure is very confident.

"Wow! You really have a lot of confidence in yourself huh?" Haru asked with a smirk.

"When you keep getting hell load of compliments and appreciations, this is how you will turn out to be." She said with a shrug. Soon McAuliffe entered the class and everyone got back to their work.

"Yes Jordan? You wanna say something?" she asked in the middle of the class. I turned towards them to find Jordan looking at her in confusion. "You were staring at me since the class started. So if you have something so speak, spit it out." she said turning completely towards him giving me a view of her small head. 

I think since her day one here, it's the first time she neatly combed her hair. She had a messy bun clipped on top of her head. Though her hair was neatly combed, her bun wasn't that proper. It was loose and strands of hair which escaped the bun were clumsily tucked behind her ear. Overall, it looked like it wasn't she who made her hair and the person who helped her must be a total amateur in this field.

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