Chapter 3 // Contract

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POV: Liz
I stared at Amanda. I saw how serious her face was. 'So She's not joking?' I thought. I thought about her proposal thoroughly. ' I couldn't say no I had to do it, I had to say yes.

"Answer." Amanda said calmly so she wouldn't startle me again. I look back at her and her gorgeous eyes. For another moment there was silence. I nodded. " need you to say it. I looked at her confused on why she needed so much approval. She just stared at me. "Yes." I whispered. "I need you to say it louder." Amanda responded "Yes!" I said practically screaming my lungs out. "Good."

— (The next day)

"Why did the princess want to see you?" Izzy asked. "Well she wanted to see me about a promotion? Of some sorts?" I said. "Oh." Izzy said in a sad tone. Before I could ask her what was wrong she just changed the subject. Obviously not wanting to talk about it I just shook it off.

Yesterday, I was told to meet the princess at the meeting hall to sign a contract. After studying the layout, I figured out where the meeting hall was. I didn't want to make the same mistake twice. I arrived a few minutes later to the princess and what I assumed was a lawyer already there. I waited for her to allow me to come in like in training. She motioned her hand for me to come in and so I did. "The papers are all here and ready. Just waiting on your signature finalizing them." The older man said.

As I walked over and took the pen from his hands to sign. He pointed to where and as I was about to sign my name I took a quick glance at Amanda. She looked as if she thought I would chicken out and not actually sign them. As I finished writing on the line and picked up the pen, the papers were took from the table into the mans hands. "Thank you for confirming I will take these and put them into storage for save keeping." And with that he left.

As I turned around I could see Amanda staring me up and down. I gave her a questing look. "You didn't read it." She mumbled. "Huh?" I responded curiously. "Nothing! She said louder. I looked at her a tried to think of what she said. "So I will need you to start right away to serve me. Is that ok?" She asked. "Of course." I returned. "Great."

"You can start by calling for dinner and bringing it up to me in my room." "Yes ma'am." I answered.

—               After Liz brings dinner

                    Amanda's POV
I was thinking to myself on why she didn't even read the contract. 'Does she trust me?' As these thoughts came into my head she stepped in tightly holding the silver plater. I arose from my bed and stood up. "A light salad, mash potatoes, green beans, and a well done Steak." She said approaching me. "Sit it on the table please." I told her. She nodded in response as she walked over and sat the plater on the table, I just watched her. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She gave me a different feeling than the rest. That's why I chose her for this position.

Liz's POV

I turned to face Amanda to see her looking at me clearly deep in thought. "Anything else?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence that came with the look she was giving me. "No thank you." I started for the door when I heard her voice. "Wait! Don't leave me." I turned around looking at her. "It's just I'm always alone, I've been alone for my whole life." She added. " Well alright."

We sat in silence for a bit before I noticed she hadn't even trie for eat. "Are you going to eat?" I asked concerned. "Oh I didn't realize." She just sat there, didn't even try to move. I was about to ask if everything was ok when she spoke. "Will you feed me?" She said almost whispering. I looked at her. "Sur- Yes."

I walked over to where she was sitting and started to pick up the fork. "What would you like first?" "Anything." She answered. "Okay." With the fork I first stabbed into the salad as it was the closet to her. My hands started to shake as I brought the food to her lips. She looked at me the whole time as she bit down gently slipping her mouth off the fork. With her still making dead eye contact with me we did it a few more times. I could feel myself blush a little bit too which was weird for me.

She noticed me blushing and took the fork from me. "Thank you but I'm good now, I've lost my appetite." I looked down at the barely touched food and back up at her. "Are you sure?" I looked back at her.

"Yes, but you can have it." I looked at her shocked. "You haven't eaten all day and it would be a shame if it was wasted. The truth was I was starving. My family didn't have a lot of money anyways and I didn't have a lunch break. "Are you positive you don't want it?" "Yes." She confirmed.

I looked down and than back to hers eyes. "Ok." I agreed. She got up giving me a place to sit and eat. She then continued to walk her bed and lay down. I started to eat with the same fork she did and she just watched me.

                     Amanda's POV

'She was blushing.' 'I made her blush.' 'Does she feel the same way I do?' With all these thoughts in my head I just stared at Elizabeth. Studying her. When I noticed something. "Elizabeth-" She cringed at the name. " Please call me Liz." "Okay Well Liz, you have something near your lip." "Oh I do?" She said starting to blush again. "Yes there." I pointed to the space with the white dressing from the salad on her face. She started wiping away at her mouth. "Did I get it?" She asked. "No come here." She did as I told her to and walked over to me.

I stood up and cupped her cheek and rubbed and the place I pointed to. "She watched we as her body tended at my touch. "Did you get it?" She asked now moving her vision to my eyes. The truth is she got it the first time, I just wanted to touch her. We stood there as I felt her body loosen from it's previous tight position.

As the silence grew I we just stared at each other. I looked deep into her eyes as she did mine. Her light pink blush soon went into a deep red. I removed my hand as I immediately wanted to put it back. "Yeah." I answered her question from before.

"I'll take the tray down to be cleaned." "Can I come?" I asked

Liz's POV

I questioned why she would want to after a weird moment like that. But I told her yes and we made our way down to the kitchen. Mostly in silence.

—                 Back in the room

"It's time for my bath. Could you draw it?" I simply nodded and headed for the bathroom. Soon I could feel something, someone standing behind me. Right behind me.

Word count :1249

Who's behind her, and why so close?

Why should she have read the contract?

What are they feeling weird about each other?
Find out next chapter!
This was a weird chapter I'm sorry XD


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