Key And Lock

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Derek had morphed back into his black wolf form while Scott had shifted halfway.

Scott growled menacingly, stepping forward, not at all intimidated by Derek's wolf form.

This time there were no words, just snarls and growls.

Both had given into their more primal wolf instincts. Derek leapt at Scott, claws out. Scott caught Derek mid air before he could even scratch Scott and flung him to the over side of the room. The black wolf got up again, not deterred.

Scott lowered himself into a crouch. His red eyes practically glowing in the moon light.

They circled each other, low growls ripping from their throats.

Derek charged again, Scott caught him by the throat, slamming him against the wall. The black wolf let out furious snarls, wriggling in Scotts grip but couldn't get free.

Scotts wolf inside him howled in victory. Scott snarled "Change back"

Derek ignored him.

Scott slammed the wolfs head against the wall, the sound like a thunder clap.

"Change back!" Scott roared.

Suddenly in the wolfs place was a snarling man, Derek glared at Scott who throw him to the ground.

Before Derek could get up Scott slammed his foot down hard on Dereks chest. To Derek it felt someone had dropped a couple of hundred weights that weighed a ton on his chest.

"How-" Derek choked out, his eyes still gleaming blue.

Scott said coldly "You're a perfect wolf. A perfect wolf gives orders and also obeys orders. A perfect wolf is Alpha but also Beta. You can't be the strongest wolf ever, eventually they'll be something stronger than you. Then you need to submit to survive and you're wolf knows when its lost. If you were Alpha you would keep on fighting till death. If you were beta you'd submit without that much of a fight and could be killed easily. You are a perfect combination on the two Derek, a perfect Wolf but..."

Scott leaned in and hissed "You know another name for a True Alpha? A perfect Alpha. I'm not a beta, I've never been a beta. I always end up the one leading or giving the orders. Even when you where an ordinary Alpha you followed my lead. Don't you ever wonder why I never submitted to you? Why I never submitted to anyone? I never have and never will obey orders. I give them. Thats how its always been. Now I'm giving you some"

Scotts voice changed, it was now laced with a commanding tone and authority of an Alpha "Submit! Or I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand"

"Scott, you can't-" Derek pleaded.

"Submit!" He snarled.

Knowing this may be the death of him but he had to try, instead of answering he reached for the humanity inside Scott as he pleaded "This isn't you! Take control! Lock the wolf away and throw away the key! What do you think your pack would think?!"

Something flickered in those red eyes, glowing with unkept and wild power.

"What do you think Kira would think? You loosing control like this? Huh?"

Scott didn't react to that but he hadn't killed Derek yet so the former Alpha took that as a good sign to keep going.

"You could hurt your pack in the state you're in, get a hold of yourself Scott!" Derek said, trying to be stern.

Scott bared his teeth at Derek as he snarled "Wouldn't hurt...Pack'

Derek could how Scott struggled to get the words out. Wolves didn't talk. He felt a shiver of doubt knowing that this meant Scott had almost completely given in to the wolf.

Derek snapped "A Alpha of a wolf pack punishes its pack for disobedience. One of these punishments is death! If someone from your pack disobeys you, you could kill them! Your human side is what stops you from going that far or even close to that! You need to take proper control!"

Derek watched as an internal struggle could be seen on Scott's face.

Derek pressed on "You can do it. I know you can! Push the wolf back, lock it up tight!"

Scott looked strained, his jaw clenching and his muscles tensing.

Scott snarled "No" But at the same time he wretched himself away from Derek, his legs giving way beneath him, his body shivering. Harsh breaths of air ripping from his lungs, sweat pouring down his face.

His wolfed features disappeared apart from his red eyes.

"Scott" Derek said, slowly getting up from the floor "Its not your-"

"Don't!" Scott practically shouted, his eyes turning a brighter red, he then curled in on himself. A tear leaked from his eyes.

His eyes dulled from red to a dark brown.

"Just don't" Scott sobbed.

He had shoved the wolf back inside the cage, locking the door, hopefully it wouldn't trouble them again.

The two werewolves studied each other, both breathing fast from what had just happened.

Derek looked at Scott with wariness but also pity while Scott looked on Derek with shame and guilt at what he had almost done.

The powerful deadly Alpha was gone, in its place was Scott, who looked like a puppy who had been kicked a hundred times.

"C-can you not mention this to anyone?" Scott asked Derek desperately.

"Scott, I-" Derek tried to reply.

"Please?" Scott pleaded.

Derek sighed, not being able to stop the sympathy and pity he was feeling for the young Alpha. He knew Scott had not everything in his power not to end up like Peter, now this? The guilt at what he had almost done must be destroying the poor kid "Yeah, sure" Derek agreed reluctantly.

And from then on this incident was hidden from everyone...But not for long...

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