Not As They Seem

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The pack paused at the cave that lead to the cell where they had been held. They had noticed other scents while getting here. Scents that oddly were familiar.

"Druids" Derek said grimly.

"What would they need with druids?" Stiles demanded. A slice of irritation going through him, he never got on with their type, always keeping secrets and talking in riddles.

Turns out they all seem to be like that, not just Deaton.

Derek muttered "I don't know, nothing good if they're with the god hunters"

"Great" Stiles sighed.

"Well? Let's go" Malia said impatiently, eager for a fight, shifting restlessly.

"We can't just rush in-" Lydia started to say but then she was interrupted but by someone... different.

"Rush in where?"

The supernatural all tensed in surprised but then most of them relaxed in happiness.

How did they not sense him?

"Scott!" Liam said happily, rushing forward.

"You escaped?" Lydia asked, pleased but curious.

Scott walked out of the tunnel that lead underground to the cell. He looked slightly paler than before but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. He was even smiling.

"Yeah, turns out they're easy to distract and one of the God Hunters even helped me after I had a couple of hours alone with them. I didn't realise you guys were going to try and rescue me though"

"We weren't just going to leave you there!" Lydia said, sounding appalled at the suggestion.

Derek didn't say anything nor react to Scott, he couldn't pin point it but something was different about him. Deatons words had wormed their way inside him, no matter how much he tried to get rid of them and tell himself Scott was fine.

Scott smiled at what Lydia said, looking happy.

"They didn't try and torture you or anything did they? We- they sensed druids around here" Stiles asked though he stumbled over his words a little.

Yeah Derek so did not miss that slip up. What the hell was going on with Scott and Stiles? But no one else seemed to notice it apart from.

Then he realised someone else was giving Stiles a strange look. Kira...

Maybe he needed to talk to her.

Scott shook his head as he said calmly "No, they just wanted me so they could use me to take down a God somehow but I didn't stick around to here the specifics"

The pack expect Derek, seemed to relax more at Scott's words.

Liam let out a sigh of relief as they started to walk out of the woods "That's good, I thought we might be to late or something, Deaton was so-"

"Deaton? What did he say?!" Scott quickly asked, though more like demanded.

Liam just assumed that he wanted to know what the hunters wanted to do to him but Stiles answered before he could, shrugging and said with a snort "Cryptic stuff that we have no clue what it means, real helpful, you know?"

Scott agreed, though he looked thoughtful about something then he stopped walking and turned to the pack "Hey, I just thought... have any of you told my mum what happened to me?"

They all glanced at each other, wait a second...

"Oh..." Stiles muttered.

"Ha, that's okay. I'll run on ahead, she's probably worried sick!" Scott said with a fond smile, then before any of the pack could say anything he hurried away, running as fast as his legs could carry him.

"Okay... does any one feel like this was anticlimactic?" Stiles said, rubbing his neck, looking confused.

"This isn't a video game" Lydia snarked.

"No, I mean I was so sure he was going to be like traumatised or something, especially the way Deaton was speaking" Stiles replied.

"He is a little crazy sometimes, tends to be a little to paranoid if you ask me" Liam said, not to bothered by the turn of events.

Stiles nodded, agreeing.

Though Derek wasn't so sure. He then also realised that Scott had hurried away in the wrong direction if he wanted to return to his house.

He was heading towards... Deaton?

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