The Bite

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Scott shivered, everything ached. The last thing he remembered was the hunters smiling down at him, their eyes glowing with triumph and an evil gleam in their eyes he did not like at all, what where they going to do to him?!

He didn't want to wake up but he knew he had too, he was the alpha for cry sake! He couldn't shy away from this! He let out a slow breath, trying to calm himself down.

What was the point of this?! Why did they need him? They said something about a corrupted true alpha bite. Corrupted true alpha, what... what did that mean?

"Wakey, wakey puppy!" A voice sang.

Scott reluctantly opened his eyes. He was alone in the same cell though this time he was chained up by the legs and wrists, holding him tightly in place. He noticed the chains were much much thicker than before and was digging into his skin.

Victoria was standing in front of him, grinning broadly.

Scott glared at her.

She shouted over her shoulder "Mum, Dad, his awake!"

Her mother walked in, clapping her hands together menacingly "Excellent!"

"Where's Dad?"

"Contacting the council, she'll be able to tell if he is a true alpha or not and she'll help us corrupt him" Fin stepped into the cell, looking calm not paying Scott attention.

Scott couldn't help himself "Corrupt?"

The mother said with a nasty smirk "Oh, you'll find out soon dear"

"Why does something tell me that I don't want to know what it means" Scott growled.

She didn't reply.

"She should be here in a couple of hours" Scott heard their father shout from behind the cell.

"Who is she?!" Scott demanded.

Finn smiled for the first time and their mother said smiling smugly "Lets just say puppy, you won't like her that much is certain"

Oh great.

Scott swallowed down his anger and fear.

Someone from their god hunting council? Like the hunters council?

Someone that were more experienced than Finn and Victoria's parents? They had taken him and his pack down easily. What would someone even higher up than them be like? How was he going to get out of this mess?

One thing for sure he definitely did not want to stay to find out!

So he had a couple of hours to find a way to escape, okay, right, he could definitely do that.

He started to test the chains strength slowly, making sure the god hunters didn't see him.

But they didn't budge. 

While he was thinking of ways to escape there was no reason not to ask...

"You said something about a corrupted alpha bite? Why is that so important? Why was it more important than wanting to kill certain members of my pack?"

Why let them go just for me?

Their mother didn't reply at first but finally she said "I was going to wait until she got here to tell you but I guess it won't matter"

She shrugged then said more seriously than Scott has ever seen her.

"A corrupted Alpha bite will kill a god"

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