If You Survive, You Win, If You Die, I Win!

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As soon as they entered the school the lights that where flickering suddenly stopped, plunging the hall into darkness.

The pack glanced at each other uneasily, this was it...

The shadows seemed to stretch and thicken around them.

Suddenly the lights flicked on and a unfamiliar women stood before them, a huge fake smile on her face.

The pack didn't know how to react, who was she?

"Expecting someone else?" She giggled.

"Who are you!" Derek growled.

"Oh dear, they did say you weren't very smart" She said laughed.

The blackness almost seemed to lean towards her, it was to late when realisation hit the pack, that Stiles and Scott where working with the Pagen God that the god hunters had been trying to hunt.

Corporal shadows sprang out of ground, grabbing Derek, Malia, Lydia and Kira.

They didn't have a chance to scream before everything went black.

"Ugh..." Derek groaned, waking up slowly. The ground strangle wet and cold across his face.

Wait, ground?

Had he been knocked out?

Derek leapt up, his eyes widening in shock and slight fear. Malia was with him, stirring slowly.

But where were Lydia and Kira?

It was only them?

They seemed to be in some sort of small garden with snow covering the ground, covering everything.

Derek didn't recognise this place, where were they?

"Malia?" He asked hesitantly.

She finally woke up, snapping up to attention. Breathing in sharply in shock.

"What-where-" She said stammering but Derek interrupted her, shaking his head "I don't know"

"Of course you two don't know, you weren't there but I guess Kira and Lydia could explain to you what's going on... oh wait, they're not here!" A familiar voice laughed mockingly.

"Stiles" Derek growled, twisting around.

He was behind them, leaning on a frosted over table, though looking completely non bothered by the cold.

"Hi Derek!" He said cheerily.

"Where are Lydia and Kira!" Malia demanded.

"I don't see why you'd care, I thought you said you'd leave her behind and if you were a coyote you'd eat her, was that it?" Stiles replied mockingly.

"Where are they?!" Derek repeated.

"Mmm, you know I think they might actually be dead"

Derek and Malia both froze in their tracks.

Stiles laughed, holding up his hands in a mocking surrender "Just kidding"

He added "Well at the moment I'm not, they are probably with Scott or the Pagen God right now"

"What is going on Stiles" Derek hissed.

The dark fox's smile changed, turning darker and his eyes flashed silver, his smile looking a little to manic.

"We're going to play a game. It's a simulation of sorts. It's called survival. You want to know the rules? There are none but then how do you play? Well it's easy really, just try and survive. If you survive you win, if you die, I win"

His tone was fairly sweet and kind despite what he was saying and the look on his face.

"Stiles-" Malia started to say, completely shocked.

"Ah, I wouldn't try and change my mind, you don't want the same thing that happened at Scott's to happen here do you?" He tutted.

Stiles clicked his fingers and the building they were next to that didn't look familiar to Derek or Malia, the closest door opened to reveal...

The Sheriff!

He was being held down by corporal shadows but he was unconscious.

Derek let out a breadth, seeing the Sheriff's chest rise and fall, good he was still alive.

But that meant this was even more tricky, they would have to constantly be  trying to save the Sheriff's life as well as they own.

Malia started to bolt towards Stiles father but the dark fox just clicked his fingers and the door shut.

When Malia retched it open the Sheriff was gone.

"Now, let the games begin" Stiles said, clapping his hands together excitedly.

Before Derek and Malia could react he vanished into thin air, just like that...

"What the hell!" Malia yelped. She didn't know Stiles could do that.

Derek knew they were in deep trouble. He had looked at Stiles expression before he vanished and he had hardly recognised him.

Stiles had looked hungry.

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