Feeling Alive

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The Sheriff frowned slightly, something about this situation didn't seem right. Derek's panicky voice came to mind.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" He asked slowly, ignoring the instinct to run to his child and hug him then demand what was going on.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me" Stiles chuckled, his eyes seemed to glint darkly in the flickering lights.

Alarm bells started to ring in the Sheriff's head.

"There was a call for help" The Sheriff said slowly.

Stiles smiled as he replied "Huh, no call  for help here"

Then suddenly the Sheriff realised why Stiles was sending the wrong signals to his brain.

He reminded him of the Nogitsune!

Could it...be?

"Relax Dad, I'm not possessed if that's what you're thinking" Stiles said.

He slowly started to walk towards the Sheriff as he spoke.

"I've just...had my eyes opened"

His father didn't reply, he didn't know what to say, just staring at Stiles, at his son but this couldn't be his son.

"It feels like relief, like I'm at peace finally, not being bound by my morals any more. I was always struggling between what was right and wrong but really I should have been focusing on this feeling. This feeling that I can do whatever I want and just not care about what happens after that. Now that, now that is freedom"

His speech ended as he closed the distance between the Sheriff and himself. Now standing in front of him, only a couple of steps away.

The Sheriff was just frozen, he didn't know what to do! Or how to react.

All he could think of saying was...

"I-I don't know what happened but... this isn't you"

Stiles replied grinning broadly, shaking his head "You know, I don't think you believe that. I think you know that this is me, unlike the pack. You know it is and that's what scares you"

"Stiles" The Sheriff said softly but Stiles interrupted him.

"Relax Dad, don't worry, you won't feel a thing"

Before his father could react, Stiles eyes flashed silver and then the next thing he saw was blackness.

But he did hear Stiles words before everything went dark.

"This is what it means to feel alive!"

The pack finally got to the school, having taken a car Derek had stolen to get to the school in time.

In time for what?

They didn't know.

The first thing they noticed was that the cop cars where all empty though there was no scene of blood or any struggle.

Only one street light was on and occasionally some lights in the school would flicker.

Derek cursed angrily under his breath.

Malia and Lydia both looked ill, thinking of the possibility of the Sheriff being dead.

Kira shook her head in denial.

Lydia mumbled almost hysterically "He-he couldn't have. He couldn't have done it. The Sheriff is everything to Stiles"

"We'll just have to see then, won't we?" Derek replied grimly. 

He added "They said they'd be here soon"

Malia nodded, hopefully the hunters could help....

They slowly walked into the school, all of them hoping this wasn't their last night.

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