Chapter twenty one

Start from the beginning

'Y/n is dead and Judith is most likely dead, we've lost our home and we're all separated from each other what are we gonna do?' I asked myself running down the dirt path my dad right behind me.

Y/n's Point Of View

We had been walking for over an hour now I let Lizzie hold Jude so I could be more prepared for a Walker heading in our direction, we heard screaming and I looked at Tyreese "You should go check that out, I'll scout around to see if any walkers where about" I said he nodded and ran off. I looked over at Mika and I pulled put my gun "Mika since Lizzie is holding Judith I need you to shoot any walkers heading in your direction" I said, she looked at ms terrified her eyes wide "I-I can't" she stuttered out.

I looked at her "You need to I'll be back soon" I said walking away from there, I broke into a run wanting to get back to them as soon as possible. I heard a Walker trudging in my direction and I quickly ran at it cutting its head in half, I heard a gunshot go off from where the girls where. My eyes widened and I broke into a run heading in there direction my katana still in hand, soon I saw them Lizzie had her hand covering Judith's face and I could hear muffled crys "LIZZIE!" I shouted at her.

She quickly removed her hand from the infant's mouth there was a Walker shot dead on the ground, I walked over to Lizzie and I grabbed Judith from her "What the fuck is your deal?!" I snapped at her. She looked down "She wouldn't stop crying" she murmured I glared at her "Doesn't mean you fucking cover her mouth you could have killed her!" I yelled, I heard rustling from behind us and I quickly turned around pulling out my katana which I had put away when I got back to the girls.

I saw Tyreese come out along with someone else. Carol. I put my katana away and the two girls didn't hesitate on running and hugging the older woman, she smiled "Hey guys, sorry I couldn't be at the prison sooner. I saw the smoke and tried to get there as soon as possible" she said, she looked at me and saw me holding Jude "Hey Y/n do you want me to take her?" She asked I nodded and handed the infant to the older woman.


We where walking on some train tracks looking for a place to rest I saw a Walker suck in between the tracks and I walked up to it my katana in hand, I watched as it desperately tried to get me I aimed my katana at its head "No!" I heard Lizzie shout. I turned around looking at her "It's a walker we need to kill it" I said she shook her head "It's a living person" she said glaring at me, I let out a laugh "They are far from living, I watched my own father eat both my mother and sister!" I shouted at her. I stabbed the walker in the head and I continued walking forward in anger.

After walking for a while longer I saw a little house not to far from the tracks "We should stay here"  I said heading in the direction of the house, once we got there Carol gave Judith to Mika and her and Tyreese walked into the house to check it out.

I was forced to check around the house I was walking around almost back to the girls when I heard screaming, I broke into a run seeing a Walker on top of Lizzie I should have just let that walker eat her but that would be horrible I quickly ran over stabbing the walker in the head "You see what I mean now Lizze?" I asked. Carol and Tyreese came running out Lizzie pushed the walker off her and I grabbed Judith "Is it safe?" I asked, the two nodded and our small little group made it's way inside the house.

I made my way upstairs bringing Judith into a room I laid her down on a bed I took my katana off my torso setting it on the nightstand next to the bed, I laid down next to her I looked at her blue eyes as she looked into my e/c eyes. I felt myself tearing up her eyes looked so much like Carl's her small hand rested on my face, I sniffled slightly and I started humming a sweet tune I watched as her blue eyes closed slowly.

I smiled and I closed my eyes as well holding the small child as close to me as possible 'I'll protect you when you brother and father aren't around, I'll make sure your safe' I thought slowly drifting into a deep slumber.


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