"Seriously, how the fuck can you do that?" Liam asked me and I turned to look at him. I smirked and said, "It all just comes down to the amount of experience that you have, but also attention to detail." "How many fucking cases have you solved?!?" Niall asked and again, I chuckled. "I don't really know. I've lost count after a hundred," I said and thought of the types of cases that I had to go on personally and the amount that I needed to solve.

Mark smiled and just said, "Harry have solved 145 cases in just 4 years." "No fucking way!" Zayn shouted in complete shock and I smiled, "Yes fucking way," I said as a tease. "Can you help me then Harry?" Louis's little sister, Daisy walked up to me and asked me. I looked down at her and cooed at her before I bent down to her level. "And what would agent Styles do to help a pretty girl like you?" I asked her and she giggled before she replied back to me.

"Well Mr. Pookie is missing. I saw him in my bed last night. He was right next to me, since he helps me sleep at night and protects me from the monsters and the scary dreams, but when I woke up this morning, he was gone," She told me and I hummed. "This seems to be a very important case that may take some time...hmmm...how about we go check the last place that you saw this Mr. Pookie."

"Okay! Follow my lead Mr. H!" She exclaimed and I chuckled before I stood back up and the two of us walked out of the room and into the room. She started to make a magnifying glass with her hands as she was walking, and that made me want to laugh, but I held it back by fake coughing. She didn't seem to even notice, so we just continued to make our way to her room for right now.

I say right now only because we have not decided on what we wanted to do with the boys or their families. It will all be discussed tomorrow. Anyways, we walked into her room and I started to search for the doll. Not really though, the kid is like around 5, so the possibility of her actually loosing it is slim to none. Especially since she's here. If she really lost it, then it would've been returned to me by one if the workers.

Now that the doll wasn't lost, I just looked under the bed and smiled. "I believe that I just found Mr. Pookie," I said and I heard a squeal. "Where is he?" She asked and I chuckled before I took the rabbit from under the bed and I stood back up before I turned to look at her. "I believe that my little princess is missing her knight, eh?" I wondered as I handed the stuffed rabbit towards her.

She smiled wide before she took the rabbit and hugged it close to her chest, "Mr. Pookie, I've missed you so much!" She shouted and I smiled warmly before I patted her on her head. She looked up at me and smiled even more. "Thank you so much H!" She spoke cheerfully before she walked out of the room and I followed her all of the way downstairs.

"Guys! Harry helped me find Pookie again!" She announced as she was walking towards her family with the rabbit tightly in her arms. "Well done, you too! That is now 146 cases that you've solved, Harry," Mark told me and I shrugged. "It was nothing really. If it meant seeing this cutie with a smile, then I'll do whatever it takes," I said before I looked at Daisy again.

"It was great working with you agent H," She told me and I chuckled softly before I nodded, "I feel the same way agent flower." "Flower? Really Harry?" Liam asked me and I shrugged. "Her name is Daisy? I can't really call her agent d....that's just wrong," I said and Louis just shrugged, "I think flower is nice," He complimented and I thanked him for that.

Let's make a handshake!" She cheered and I smiled fondly at her. "Alright, you tell me the handshake and I'll be sure to remember it," I told her before I lowered myself to her level again," I said and stuck my hand out to her.

She gave me a determined nod before she just stared at my hand for a bit before she started to move it around. She pulled a Steven Universe type of handshake and she was so cute about it too. "That's what our handshake will be!" She spoke happily and I nodded, "Then I'll be sure to remember that," I told her and she smiled before she walked to where her mother was and the two of them began to chat.

It made me smile, but I just can't help but feel the pang in my heart as I watch the two of the smile and talk, showing the love that they have for one another. I could have something like that with my mother if she was still here. I would've been able to see her and my sister be the same way as I'm seeing.

God, if only they were here. There is no day where I don't think of a life where my parents would still be alive. A life where I would still have a sister to talk to about my problems or have around if I am sad or broken. A life where my parents weren't killed off when I was only 8. Fucking 8. Do you not know how troubling that is for me? Not being able to see my family again, knowing that they're gone...

Umm...I can't think of this right now. I stood up and walked back to where I believed where the boys could be and I was right once I walked into the kitchen to see Niall looking through the fridge, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were just sitting st the stools. "Okay lads, I need to tell you guys something important, so it's best if you listen up," I told them and they looked at me.

"What is it mate?" Zayn asked me and I just said, "For your own safety, I'm going to have you four enter school online. We cannot risk for any of you getting hurt when I could've protected you a bit more." They all understood and they nodded their heads slowly. "Next I'm going to have to teach you all that you need to know in self defense and gun use. I'll be teaching you how to use a gun properly and how to fight, get in to good formality, etc. etc.," I then said, and again, they nodded.

"Question," Niall said and I nodded his way. "Where is all of the food?" "We have chefs, so that's why you see mostly ingredients than actual food. If you want something, then you need to press that button," I said and pointed at the white button on my wall.

Niall looked at it before he lifted his finger and pressed the button. It let out a small beep before it went quiet. We waited for about 10 seconds, before Sarah walked into the room. "What would you like sir?" She asked me and I looked at Niall. "Pizza?" He asked and I nodded. "I think we need like 4 large pizzas," I told Sarah before she went to work.

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