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I am always wondering to myself why I set such high standards on my own life. It is my own life after all, and that just isn't fair to myself to do that. I have decided from this day forward, never to under estimate or over estimate myself. I will set realistic standards, try my absolute hardest and congratulate myself for exceeding my own standards and I will also not beat myself up if I don't meet my own standards. I will say, you did great, not you can do better. I will say I tried my hardest, not I am a disappointment. I want to make this promise to myself to inspire others, and to show that I will always be here for myself in the long run and that there is no reason to abandon my promise to myself. I hope that this documentation of my promises inspires others to do the same in their lives because I decided that today I want to battle that empty feeling, I don't want to feel tired every day. I want to feel like I am having the time of my life even in the most stressful situation. This isn't me saying I no longer care about my actions, the world or my grades this is me saying that I want to love myself and care for myself because I never ever want to treat myself different than another human being again. I deserve my own respect, I deserve my own love, and I deserve my own gratitude. I deserve to be treated like a human being.

So I start today.


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