♥07♥ One week later...

Start from the beginning

"Mitsucchi's street clothes look so cool!" 

"Shut up, Kise. Kissing my ass won't get you anywhere." She put on fingerless leather gloves, looking very cool in Kise's eyes. 

"Eh?!" 'Ahh... MItsucchi is so cool!' 

"Let's go..." When she tried to open the door, she realized it was locked. Was it locked automatically after Kise sneaked his way in? "Fuck sake..." She took out two bobby pinsfrom her pocket. Mitsuru always have bobby pins in the pockets of her pants even if she's not wearing them. She always have them in case she needed to escape from confinement such as now.

"Mitsucchi, you sure are prepared!" Kise prooudly watch Mitsuru got to one knee and started to pick at the door's lock. He can see the patience in her eyes but it was proven too hard for her.

"Ugh..." She hasn't picked locks for a very long time... How did Kasamatsu make it look like child's play? 

"Mitsucchi, is there something wrong?" 

"I can't remember how Yukio-senpai picked the locks..." 

"If you need to tap into your memories, I can help you." That's right; with Perfect Copy, she can tap into her memories and remember exactly how Kasamatsu picked the locks! Kise's chest glowed and Mitsuru forced her hand into the light, taking out his Soul Key. It hurts but it was for the sake of helping her so he forced himself to hold it out. 

Mitsuru opened her eyes and her irises have a white circle inside them. Mitsuru grabbed the pins again and started to pick the lock. 


The door opened and they were granted exit. 

"We're out... Let's go." 

--Ki-chan, can you hear me?-- The voice coming out from the wireless earpiece was no longer Midorima but Momoi. 


--Ki-chan, there is someone coming along the right of the hallway. You need to take Mitsu to the left side instead and use the staircase.-- 

"Gotcha. Keep me updated, Momocchi." Kise looked at Mitsuru and gave her a confident smile, "We will escape for sure, Mitsucchi." 


Akashi was standing at a roof of a building. He looked down and watched the soldiers from WINGS guarding a six story white building with WINGS's symbol on it. The building was a research lab that focused on finding a cure for the disease that kept Japan in the dome.

"Murasakibara, get ready." 

"Hn..." Murasakibara forced his hand into his chest when the purple formed on his chest. He took out his own Soul Key. Murasakibara's Soul Key came out in the form of a very long hammer. It looked really heavy but it's actually a very light weapon that can wield devastating power that can cause an earthquake. 

--Muk-kun, I've disabled all of the security cameras in the area.-- 

"Thank you, Sat-chin..." Murasakibara then free fall from the building with a bored look, leaving Akashi still standing. 

"Thor's Hammer!" He used his S.G to accelerate quicker to the ground, right in the middle where the soldiers. He slammed the hammer onto the ground, creating a catastrophic earthquake that shook the earth's surface. The soldiers couldn't stand propery as craters were made instantly from the ground. 

"Now!" Akashi free fall from the building, pulling his Soul Key out in the process. He pulled out his Soul Key and it split into two. He grabbed the handles of his blades; the blades looked like a pair of scissors when aligned together. One hilt was circular while the other has a crescent-shaped hilt. 

Akashi landed safely with the use of his S.G and he went in full speed, instantly killing the soldiers. His Soul Key, 'Scissors blades', can cut through their armors and weapons, it's a pair of blades that relied on great swordsmanship. 

"Get them!" The soldiers had to protect the building no matter what. "Dead or alive, we need to get them!" 

Akashi combined his blades and it transformed into a single form. It became much smaller, identical to a pair of scissors. He used his S.G to give him instant speed and he ran towards the one who was doing the commanding, Akashi pierced through the armor and into the heart. 

"H-Huh?!" The commanding soldier cannot feel a single thing but he couldn't move his body.

"Good bye..." Akashi's Soul Key, when combined together, his Soul Key takes on a weak appearance but once it is thrusted into a body, Akashi can severe the life force of anyone. In other words, once his scissors entered a body, that person's life was literally in his hands. 

Akashi cut off the life of the commanding officer, watching him slump to the broken ground with a look that's voided of all life. 

Back with Kise and Mitsuru, they were easily making their way out of the building by following Momoi's instructions. Momoi has access to the entire hospital's cameras and she manipulated them for her own use. She's been using them to guide Kise and Mitsuru. 

Midorima took another shot. He watched his target slump to the floor, he smiled a little when Kise and Misturu were successfully making their way pass the dead body; he only shoots when there's people coming in from both directions. 

Kise and Mitsuru finally made it to the entrance of the hospital. 

"Mitsucchi, how are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine. What happens now?" 

"You need to go into hiding for now. They know who they should look for..." 

"What about Yukio-senpai?" 

"I...I can't do anything about Kasamatsu-senpai..." 

"At least tell him what's going on...!" 

"I..." Should Kise go out of his way to grant her wish? Akashi will be angry at him but he doesn't like the worried look on her face when she looked at him like that. "Fine." 

"Thank you..." 

Within the research facility, Kuroko Tetsuya and Aomine Daiki have broken into the vault. Kuroko grabbed the vial that contained a blue liquid inside. 

"This..." The blue liquid inside the vial was known as the cure for the disease.

"Tetsu, we got it..." 

"Yes, let's go." 

Akashi and Murasakibara were the 'light' in the plan; they were responsible for causing a massive mayhem right outside the research facility. While all the soldiers were busy defending the building, Kuroko and Aomine acted as shadows; sneaking into the research facility to steal. 

It's thanks to Kuroko's Soul Key that Aomine can become a shadow; Anything that Kuroko touches when he's using his Soul Key will be invisible. As long as there's physical contact with Kuroko, one can remain unseen like a phantom.

"If this goes out, humanity will die..." Aomine raised his fist to bump with Kuroko; a sign of good job. 

Kuroko was about to fist bump Aomine but he paused as the person blocking their entrance was pointing a gun at them. 

"Kagami-kun..." Kuroko sadly called out the name of his friend...

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now