Chapter 2

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Megan and a few of her class has been standing outside of professor Larkens class for the last half-an hour. It's not like somebody emailed them ,informing them that the class has been cancelled or even if the class might start a bit late.

And it's not like she can go to the student enquiries. She popped in there on here way here, but nobody was there. She saw someone's handbag on a desk but she rang and rang that ridiculous bell for service. Did she receive any? No, nada, fuck-all service. So she left. She didn't want to be late, since she has no idea how he'd react if a student would ever be late for his class.

"Students... May I have your attention please!"
A man behind her started adressing them. She nearly jumbed out of her own skin when he started speaking. She turned to face him. He was wearing a formal black suite. Nothing too cheap but you could see he bought it from a well known tailor. Even down to his pointy black leather shoes. Megan starts wondering if his shoes were made of real leather or would it be made of the cheaper tipe you would find in a China Mall. By the way just to state the obvious, the only real leather she ever owned was her parents couches back home. And that doesn't even belong to her.
Safe to say this man taken out in his professional suite is non other than - the dean. But the question we should ask is ,why is he here.

"Due to an investigation, all of Professor Larkens lecturers are cancelled for the semester. As Dean of this University ,I will let each of you know by email of classes regarding professor Larkens subject. We are getting a substitute to help via an online portal. In the meantime, please do not be alarmed if anyone gets called in to be questioned by the police. At this stage ,that is all I am allowed to share with you. The police will inform each one of you individually of the situation. For now, go home or move to your next class."
With a nod of the head, he turns quickly with his blinky, yet ridiculous pointy black shoes and rushed off.

He's in a rush, Megan noticed. But what does she not seem to notice these days. Even this so called "investigation" , what is really going on. There is more to this story than what they have been told. She is especially intrigue with the fact that this professor Larker has a history with the police. And not even so long ago. Could he have been up to his old tricks? And if...
Megan quickly got aware of what she read in one of the articles.
"Students are most likely always the target for these predators. They would come off all friendly, trying to begin a conversation or maybe ask for directions. And when the time is right, they strike."
Oh no... Kate.

Since Megan left for class this morning she has not seen any sign of Kate. She doesn't want to make a big thing about nothing - just Kate is the loner tipe of girls.
She doesn't drink and 90% of her time she spends by herself either studying, watching tv or she's out jogging. She's the perfect target. And what these articles wrote about Larken is true, then this investigation is not just an investigation, it's a homicide investigation...

The fucking audacity the Dean has to cancel his classes. He is not even under arrest or conficted of a crime but he is already guilty.
If he didn't know better, he'd say the Dean has something against him. And how did he even find out he is a main suspect. Did the police phone him or did they go to him directly after they thore up his entire apartment.
They even ripped open his hand-made pillows. He specially had them made since he's such a Harry Potter fan, he saw the ad on one of the thousand for sale whatsapp groups and decided to get him a few. Now they're ruined. Will they reimburse him if this case gets thrown out due to - not enough evidence to lead to a confiction - like the last one? He highly doubt that.
Maybe this time he should go straight to the media. Tell them his side of the story. Seems that is the way to go if you want to get the police of your back.
They showed him the photo of the deceased girl whom they found in the park, apparently an anonymous tip came in and informed them of the body, but he doesn't even know this girl. They even showed a photo of her roommate, which he told them he never saw both of them. Of course he lied. Last time he told the truth, he still ended up going to court.
And so what if he recognized the roommate, it is not like he has approached her.
Maybe in his dreams, but that is none of their business.

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