6: Letters

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I took the plates to the sink and washed them as Aunt Tunie got things ready to make a cake for Dudley. Once I was finished, I knew that she would show me how to make it so I could bake it for Dudley's birthday tomorrow.

I finished quickly and went to get the mail after I put the dishes away. I went through them and saw that there were two, one for bills and one that said... R. Potter?

"Auntie Tunia?" I called out softly, my voice scratchy from lack of use. My last master had me for three weeks and he demanded that we never spoke, and I had only come back yesterday.

"Yes, Rosy?"

"I... I've got a letter," I replied. I jumped as she came rushing to me.

"What does it say?" she asked sharply and I winced. While she wasn't fond of hurting me, she was still very stern in a way that reminded me of one of the instructors at the Slave Ring.

"Um... 'To Miss R. Potter, the Basement, Number 4 Privet Drive,' and it has some weird stamp thing on it," I told her, flipping it over to the back. "It has a huge uh... H! It has a huge 'H' on it with four sections. One's a snake, a badger, a–I think that's an eagle and I... yeah, that's definitely a lion."

"Give it to me," Auntie Tunie ordered. Immediately, driven by habit, I handed it over to her. She began to mutter, "But it isn't supposed to come for another few weeks. This means that the Potter boy might get one too..."

"Aunt Tunie?" I said, getting her attention. "What is it?"

With a sigh, she put her hand on my shoulder and took me to the couch. She sat down and motioned for me to do so too, but I sat on the floor and she sighed again. She made no move to correct me though, as she knew that this was the trained response to being told to sit down. Sitting on the furniture just wasn't drilled into my head.

"Do you remember what I told you when you asked what happened to your parents?" she asked me. I thought about it before nodding.

"You said that they died to protect me," I said. She nodded.

"I might as well tell you most of the story," she muttered before looking at me. "When I was younger, I was an only child. After a few years, my parents gave birth to twins. As per tradition on my mother's side, all the women were named after flowers. That's why my name is Petunia. The first twin was born, and her name was... was..." she shook her head. "After years, I still can't say my sister's name. But the youngest, the second twin born, was called Lily.

"The three of us grew up and my sisters were popular. Our parents both chose favorites, I was my mother's favorite, but Lily was their pride and joy, being the youngest even though she had a twin. My parents neglected her and soon neglected me after an event that got them both sent to boarding school.

"I think it was when the two were in second grade, maybe third, but something happened and my sister began to lose popularity. Soon, she stopped speaking in all. I let her hang out with me since she never really liked to boast and she wasn't an attention hog like Lily, and I could tell that all she wanted was company.

"Later, when they turned eleven, they got a letter just like this one on their birthday, just like this one." She held up the letter I got as an example. "Lily was quick to boast and say that she would be the best and my parents soon forgot to give attention to me and my sister.

"This school was called Hogwarts–"

I giggled and she shook her head with a soft smile at my calmness with her.

"Yes, such a stupid name, but it was a school where people learned magic. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I believe it to be called. I didn't want to be left out so I wrote to the headmaster to ask if I could get in, but he said no because I was a 'muggle,' as he said," Auntie snarled, hating the word. I decided I didn't like it since she didn't.

"Anyway, Lily and her snake of a friend, Severus I think he was called, snooped around my room when my sister and I were hanging out with my friends. She found the response letter and boasted about being the best.

"I called her a freak because I knew she wouldn't like someone to call her that. I ignored her and I called anyone that used magic a freak because I thought that they would all act like that.

"My sister didn't though, she just comforted me. I loved her more than Lily and saw she came up with stories on why she hated me when I sent back all the presents she sent me, because what she sent me reminded me that I would never be like them.

"But that was what Hogwarts was, anyways. My sister couldn't exactly message me, seeing as I hated owls since Lily's always tried to peck me. I don't know much about the school, my sister never told me as she didn't want me to feel lower than herself."

"So it's a school for magic?" I asked. "Is that why I can do what I do?"

Auntie nodded. "And I want you to go. To get away from the Slave Ring and the abuse."

I shook my head. "If I left completely, Uncle Vernon would hit you and my brother when he got bored. I can't let that happen to my family."

"No," Aunt Tunia said firmly, "you will be going to that school. I will report my husband to the police if he even tries to do it to me. And for your brother, he's just as much of a brat Lily is. I'm glad that you took after my sister."

I smiled at her slightly before she ushered me off to the basement. I yelped as two strong and short shocks came from the shock necklace I had, warning me to get in the basement.

I gave a tearful smile to my aunt before pushing through the cat-flap, picking the small bag of gummy bears out of my mattress and putting two of them in my mouth before hiding it again.

I gasped as my shock necklace started up again, not as strong as before, but enough to have me crying and writhing on the ground.

"You little bitch!" he snarled, waddling up to me before picking me up by my hair and throwing me again. "Do five laps around the basement," ordered Uncle Vermin, and I shakily got up and began to walk forward slo-

"Did I say to walk?!" he roared. I hurriedly shook my head. "Crawl like the bitch you are."

I got down on all fours, the floor rough beneath me. I was familiar with the rough material that skinned me many times when I was thrown or tossed around the room.

I crawled as fast as I could before the low electricity that pulsed through the shock collar suddenly got higher than I was used to, making me cry out in shock as I fell.

I could tell that my body fell into some sort of seizure as the electricity affected my muscles. It was like sticking a fork in an electrical socket.

I cried out once more as I was kicked before the electricity went down a bit, only enough for me to shakily crawl as tears fell down my face against my will.

I felt my ribs crack as my chest was kicked. "Faster, Freak!"

Only the darkness had already consumed me as I felt another blow to my head.


Welp, 1300 words that I forgot to publish. I came to check how the chapter was doing, and found out that it hadn't loaded so it didn't save. This is why I write chapters on Google Docs. It automatically saves so I can just copy and paste. Annoying to go through everything again though.

Again, thanks to A Harry Potter Nerd on Quotev for helping transfer the book from here and onto Quotev, as my glitchy site won't let me update. I know they haven't published the book yet, but PM me if you want me to share the doc with you. No one else but A Harry Potter Nerd can do it, so don't even think about trying to get me to share a doc with a random person as I'll be checking on Quotev to make sure the person is right. The Doc will be put on comment too, so I'll see all the changes that were made.

Anyway, that's all for today. See you later my Dragons and Wolves!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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