3: First of the First

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I woke up with a yawn. I looked around blearily, wondering why I was in my room. Last time I remembered...

My eyes widened as I backed away rapidly, letting out a small cry of pain as my hands scraped the ground. Bad. Yesterday was bad. A bad bad day. Bad. Bad. Bad, bad. Bad! Bad! BAD!!


I giggled as I played in the dirt. Aunt Tunie said that I could only go out at night, and I liked that. I liked the moon. Moon moon Moony moon. I blinked. Moony. I know that name. I burst into another fit of giggles and rolled back. Moony! Moon moon the moon! Moony the Moon!

Aunt Tunie shook her head at me. "Silly, Rose. Even at two you're a goof. Just like..."

I looked at her confused. She was staring at something and her eyes teared up. She suddenly shook her head and walked back inside.

I looked away and found a bunny. I giggled as it hopped to me. "Funny Bunny, bouncy Bunny, hoppy Bunny, silly Bunny," I sang as it came closer.

"Name?" it asked and I laughed at the weird sound. "What is your name?"

"I'm Rose," I told it promptly. "But the others call me Rosey Posey."

It's nose twitched. "Rosey Posey?! Animal tongue! My siblings talk about you! The first child of one in over four hundred seasons! The Shadow Child!"

I looked at it confused as I laid down on my stomach. Aunt Tunie wouldn't like that I got Dudley's old shirt dirty, but the bunny interested me more. Silly bunny is a smart bunny.

"You know my mummy?" I asked it.

"Yes! Everyone knows of the Shadow Master!" it cried.

I smiled at it and opened my mouth to speak when the bunny let out a screech of terror. Before I could even ask or turn around, I was grabbed from the back of my collar, throwing my hair in my face as I tried to get air into my lungs, stunned as I saw my hair go threw a plethora of colors, but it seemed to mostly stick to white, grey, and a dark green.

"You little freak!" the voice I now recognized as my uncles snarled. "A freak is what you are! No normal person speaks to animals like a crazy person! And put that hair back in its place before I shave it off!"

I screamed as he pulled my hair, making it go stark white as he traded choking me to get me to go where he wanted to dragging me by my hair.

"I thought I said change it back!!" he snarled at me, pulling me off the ground by my hair as I screamed in terror and pain. "CHANGE IT NOW YOU WORTHLESS DEMON!!!"

I cried out again as I imagined myself like normal, doing my best to change my hair to end the pain. It hurt. Hurt. That's the only thing I felt right now. Hurt. Hurt. Pain and hurt.

I was knocked out of concentration as I screamed again when I was roughly pulled, even though I was still in the air, to the basement door. I only knew it went to the basement because that was where my room was. The door was literally hidden behind the cupboard in between the stairs and the bathroom.

Uncle Vernon pulled the door open, taking off all the locks that were placed up high on it so if either Dudley or my brother Harry were to find it, they wouldn't be able to open it.

"Keep that hair of yours the same, Freak," he snarled once more before throwing me down the stairs and locking the door back up again, leaving me to cry as I pitifully crawled to the mattress on the floor, nursing my hurt arm and shoulder.

(End Flashback)

I whimpered as I moved my shoulder. I think I pulled a muscle or whatever it's called. Auntie Tunia said that you could move a pulled muscle in your arm but it hurts a bit, like when she pulled a muscle when she was teaching me how to prune the trees.

I heard the door to the basement open and I whimpered slightly, crawling back as I fought to keep my hair light red–the lightest color I could allow without Uncle Vernon punishing me.

"Where are you, you little Freak?" he growled out at me. Whimpering I slid back into the corner as he entered the room, his eyes locking on me. "You didn't respond to me, Freak. This means that you get a punishment."

I scrambled back. I knew what his punishments were, but something told me that I would be getting something different than getting pushed into a wall or being locked in a small room.

"Come here, Freak," Uncle Vernon ordered. I tried to stand up on shaky knees but I fell down faster than I got up. "Hurry up!"

I tried to stand again but this time, a sharp, stinging blow landed on my cheek, whipping my head to the side and causing me to emit a loud cry of pain.

"I said hurry up!" he snarled at me. Tears fell down my face as I did my best to stand up and stay up, cradling my cheek. "Every time you make a noise, you get punished again. Got it?" he ordered. I nodded meekly. He grunted and made a motion for me to come forward.

He slapped me again without warning, and I couldn't hold back the short cry of pain that escaped my mouth.


He slapped me again, harder and faster than before. I cried out, softer than before, but he still heard it.

Turning purple, he slapped me again and kicked me into a wall and I didn't notice the gasp of shock that left my mouth as my vision was already getting dark.


Hey, there my Freaks, I got to the hotel about ten minutes ago. I had to keep this open on my computer and save it to as many things as I could to keep it from deleting itself on the airplane because my computer couldn't save it to Wattpad.

Everything's fine so far, and I am literally so tired. My brothers already asleep and my mom is watching to make sure I go to sleep and don't pull an all-nighter, which I probably will because I'm in a new place and insomnia says that it means that I can't fall asleep until tomorrow. I'm probably just going to keep working on the chapters after my mom falls asleep. My dad is also now cuddling a pillow XD

Anyway, see you later my Dragons and Wolves!

The Forgotten Flower | Golden Trio EraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora