5: Remember Me?

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"Freak, I thought I told you to clean up the laundry room!" Vermin growled at me. Mentally, I was shaking and about to pass out but I kept the blank face I always had been told to keep.

"I'm sorry, sir," I said with a bowed head. "I was finishing to clean up the dishes when I heard Harry begin to wake up."

He growled and punched me, making me fly back to meet the wall. "That's no excuse! You worthless piece of trash! I have a new punishment for you, so just wait. Here's your food."

He threw a bag at me and I jumped up to grab it as he went upstairs. I fell to the ground upon landing because of my hurt leg but I eagerly tore into the bag.

There was a little less than a bowl full of scraps from the past two days. My eyebrows raised as this was usually a lot less. Auntie Tunie must have left more of her food on the plate than normal or Harry must not have finished some of his food because this was a lot more than normal.

I shrugged and went over to my 'food blanket'. It was just a clean blanket that I used to separate edible to inedible food.

I poured the scraps out into the center and pulled out all of the inedible stuff before shoving the apple and pear peels into my mouth.

I hummed in delight and grabbed a piece of bread crust to eat too. I almost squealed when I saw a piece of ham. I barely got meat, and the last time I did, it was cold, burnt bacon about three weeks ago.

I finished everything in less than ten minutes, me putting the stems and shells into the corner of the room inside a crack I found and used as a trashcan since every time I put something in there, it seemed to disappear when I checked on it later.

With a yawn, I went to my bed to try and sleep. I knew it would be hard and I wouldn't get more than an hour's sleep, knowing that I would be getting a new punishment later. Auntie said that I had something called insomnia, which was what caused that.

My eyes began to shut as I laid on the old and dirty mattress, not caring about the red bloodstains on it as they came from me. With that, my eyes began to shut.


I stared in the mirror, looking myself over in it. My eyes were dull, but one was still showed the emerald green and the other showed the hazel brown I was familiar with. My hair was dark brown from dirt and I pulled down a lock, rubbing it between my fingers for a few seconds before I was able to see the blood-red again. Not to mention that it was a rats nest as I hardly got to clean myself unless I was about to be sent out, and I hadn't gone to the Slave Ring in over two months.

I was a stick, my few months with being fed once every two days making me show more bones, giving my cheeks and eyes a sunken look. You couldn't even tell if my skin was supposed to be tan or pale between the dirt and the bruises covering my skin, even though I knew it was pale from lack of sunlight. Honestly, the last time I was outside for more than five minutes was when I had to tidy the yard in the daytime for my current Master when I was six.

I knew I was also shorter than average, as the kids in the Slave Ring at least got a meal a day, with some of the pleasure slaves getting food twice a day so they remain in shape.

My head snapped up as I heard the car doors slam shut and I hurried to the basement. I sighed in relief when I remembered that I finished doing everything Vernon said.

Mr. Vermin walked in first and didn't notice me, followed by the little demon Dudley. I was just about to head into the cat-flap that let me into the basement when the door closed with a small grunt.

I whipped around and saw... Harry.

I stared in amazement as I looked at him. He was skinny, but not as much as I was. We were about the same height, probably due to him not having his growth spurt yet. His hair was dark brown, almost black and his eyes were emerald green, like one of my own.

I jumped as his eyes locked with mine and I darted under the cat-flap, hearing Uncle Vermin call for him to hurry.

Please don't say anything about seeing me, I pleaded internally. I don't want to be punished more. But... I do hope you at least remember me a bit.

Later that night, I found out the horrors of a shock collar.


Hey there, Freaks and Crazies! How are yall? I'm pretty good, other than the fact that I have to make forty-five lumpia and twenty ensaymada for my history class because we're doing a country project and I got the Philippines! Yes, with a 'Ph', not an 'F'. Filippino is what you use to write about someone, like, "Hi, are you Filippino?" and the 'Ph' is used for the name of the country.

Either way, I was glad as my grandparents and father are from Cebu, an island from there, and my grandma has excellent recipes for me to use.

Um, this is a bit awkward now as I don't have anything else to write about except for the fact that my grandma's big sister (age 90-92, I don't remember exactly but I know that my grandma is the youngest of the five and that her sister is over her 90's) is coming to California to live with my dad's brother/cousin (his parents died and his father was my grandma's second-youngest sibling so she adopted them) as she is starting to really need help. 

What else can I talk about? Oh yeah! On Quotev (another fanfic website) I've been having issues with typing and publishing chapters on there so A Harry Potter Nerd is transferring what I wrote on here to my book on Quotev, and I'm so freaking glad for them! I really can't thank them enough, and they don't seem to get the idea that they deserve more thanks than I do. All I'm doing is writing the book.

Go check out Quotev and look for my account (Fathom Huntsmen or Nike3377) and look for the first version of this book. This version isn't published there yet, but you can read the first version. 

I also had a popular question spring up on both websites:

Q: Why did you decide to rewrite it?

A: I decided to rewrite it because multiple people had been commenting and PMing me saying that I was copywriting this book from another author. Heads up, I wrote it five times in the beginning and mentioned it in the summary–I know that it was from another author. I gave them credit for the book and thanked them, but they hadn't updated since 2015, so I told them I was going to do my best to finish writing their book. I wrote as close to them as I could, then wrote again at the end of that last chapter that I was going to write in my style, writing what I thought was going to happen. Honestly, I got tired of being called on for it, so I decided to write this. I've distanced from that book as far as I could with keeping the idea and preparing it for later ideas, so now it is my material, and I still freaking give them credit for giving me the idea. So yes, permission granted, wham bam, thank you ma'am.

Another was:

Q: Is this going to be a single standing book?

A: No, it is not. I plan to do first and second year here, third and fourth in the next, and so on. The seventh year will still continue to after the war and everything, only it won't skip all nineteen of those years. This is also the beginning of a universe. I have two of the other main books somewhat written but I won't start publishing them until third year, at least. Any less gives away so much plotline, and many of you have found the 'Whispers', 'Coconut Family', 'le Black', and a few more.

Last one:

Q: How many books do you have?

A: Forty-two. Took me five minutes to count them, seeing as most of them are on my google docs acounts-I have two and there are a few on both of them that haven't been shared with the other yet-and I have a few on here.

Any more questions? Comment or PM me. See you later, my Dragons and Wolves!

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