1: Death... Do... Part... Us...

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James was playing with the one-year-olds, making bubbles fly out of his wand to entertain him. Lily was finishing up a letter to send to Silver Moon and Moony, asking if they wanted to send the Coconut family and the Whispers over to their house to be safer. Both Potters felt uneasy today, which didn't help.

Wormtail was going to come over today, and Padfoot was going to come tomorrow. James was excited for Wormtail to come over as he hadn't been coming over as often, acting a little distant, but he was also bringing costumes for Halloween.

James laughed when Rose pushed Harry to get a bubble and Harry pushed Rose back, initiating a mini-war between the children.

Harry had a head of dark brown fuzz that stuck up stubbornly. Harry had emerald green eyes, just like his mother. Lily said that Harry was going to be a spitting image of James when he grew older.

Rose, on the other hand, had blood-red hair that stuck up in random places, only a few inches longer than Harry's. Her different colored eyes shined in happiness, one silver and the other dark blue.

Whoops, James thought as he glanced at Rose before taking his wand and whispering a spell under his breath. Rose looked no different than before, but she rubbed her eyes as one became hazel and the other emerald green. Wormtail was going to be coming over, and almost no one knew about Rose's eyes.

The gate creaked and opened, making James tense a little but he relaxed, thinking that Wormtail had finally come back and stood up to go to the door to meet him when he saw a cloaked figure in the window, making him inhale in fear.

"LILY! HE'S HERE!" James screamed as he pushed random furniture in front of the door. "TAKE THE KIDS! HIDE THEM!"

Lily rushed out of the kitchen and scooped up both children, both looking around confusedly and tearing up at the noise, not knowing what was happening.

Lily stifled a sob as James told her to go and ran up the stairs, slamming the door to the nursery shut. She put the two into a cot and pushed a dresser over in front of the door before reaching for her wand... only to find that it wasn't there.

Suddenly, she heard an explosion from downstairs and she sobbed, standing protectively in front of the cot as she tried to force more furniture in front of the door.


Lily choked a laugh at her husband's words. Once a goofball, always a goofball. And James was her stupid, brave, goofball.

She heard a small thump and a grunt, and then a short scream and a large thump. Lily had tears streaming down her face and she turned to the kids, trying her best to speak normally.

"Harry, Mama loves you, oh Harry. Papa loves you," she whispered, repeating herself over and over again before turning to Rose, whose hair was a mix of white, grey, and yellow, showing her fear, shock, and confusion. "Rosy, your mother loves you. Your father loves you. They will always love you, Rose. I love both of you."

With that, Lily stood up in front of the crib, standing proud even as she let out a small scream when the door exploded, pieces of wood getting lodged in her arms and legs as she blocked the two behind her.

"Stand aside," the figure hissed in a snakelike matter. "Just step aside. All I want is the children. Stand aside."

Lily looked the creature in the eye, catching the sight of blood where its nose should be. James really did punch him, Lily realized, and that thought gave her confidence. Her love had died after punching the darkest wizard in history, protecting her and her family.


A simple word, but it echoed. The figure was smirking under his hood, but the smirk was soon gone when he was suddenly kicked in his nether regions, making him gasp in pain.

His annoyance rose and he lifted his wand, muttering the unforgivable under his breath and watched as the green light hit her chest, making her fall to the ground. Lifeless.

The Dark Lord looked at the children. One had multicolored hair that was always changing and the other was crying his eyes out. He sneered and lifted his wand and the wand of the Blood Traitor he killed, pointing both wands at the children, one on the boy and one on the girl.

"Insolent creatures," he sneered at them. "You will die easily. AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Two green lights flew out of the wands, hitting the children before rebounding, tearing the Dark Lord apart, leaving the two children as the only survivors of the house, one with a lightning-shaped scar and the other with a crescent moon.

With that, the house was silent once more.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ 

Yay! Fist/Second chapter is up! Books are funny and cool! I love reading!

Boo! School is starting up again! School sucks!

I mean, look:




See? It's proven that school is lame and out of the game. What grades are y'all going to? I'm heading into eight grade. (Whoopty dooooo... not)

Also, is it just me or is seventh grade the weirdest freaking year ever, or was it just last year? Or is that just a Vegas thing? I don't know, but last year was the awkwardest and worst year for me. Not to brag, but I'm the A's B's and C student in the class, never getting an F but never getting A/B or A honor roll (except for just once in second grade) but I got D's and F's last year. The crap wasn't even hard, but it was just stupid and pointless and it was just... off. Good luck to all of you in your studies and I really hope that I don't fall asleep in English... again. I get that I'm a writer and whatever, but I already know what she's talking about and she always makes everything we read boring.

Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, and bAnANa!

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