As Izuku had the coins in his hands he then lifted his hands on top of Katsukis and said as he dropped the coins in Kacchan's hands "I, Izuku Midoriya, promise you that I will love and support you forever." after that was done they took the coins and put them back in a box.

In that moment both felt like something amazing happened like they were glad to hear each other say those words.

As they took the string around them they again faced each other and the same two kids came with the ring box and gave both of them a box.

The priest knowing what came next he said "Do you take Izuku Midoriya as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" as he finished Inko and Katukis mom started to cry and many waiting for his answer.

It took a moment for Katsuki to realize that this one answer would change his life forever. 
He looked straight into Dekus emeralds green eyes and said "I do" and putted a ring on Izukus finger 

Izuku looking back at Katsuki and hearing those words he was now actually going to marry him, not out of love but because of economic growth for both companies
The priest looked at Deku and said "Do you take Katsuki Bakugou as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 

Izuku took a last glance to the people being there, his mother, father, friends, employees, etc. then looked at Katsuki and said "I do" as putting a ring on Katsukis finger 

"for the power that is granted to me I pronounce you husband and husband? You may now kiss each other" the priest said….

Oh no they had not thought about the kiss!?! A quick kiss or a long kiss?  Izuku had not thought about that. He stared at Katsuki his husband now and saw him approach him and pulled him towards and grave him by the waist.

Where they actually going to kiss now?!?! He was not ready for this and now he felt a warm soft lips touch his. Wait Lips! he looked straight at Katsuki's eyes who was kissing him. It was a quick but warm soft one. His lips were softer that they look like. Looking at kanchans red piercing eyes. How long was the kiss? Izuku thought to himself but didn't care about this was his first kiss and it was better than what he imagined… wait… his first kiss was taken!

Both pulled away. It was shorter than Deku though. Actually it was only a 5 second kiss.

Katsuki POV

What was he thinking?!?! He didn't realize when he graved deku and kiss him! When the priest announced both of them to kiss. He just grabbed him and wanted to get it over it but that was supposed to be a little kiss not a whole 5 second kiss and then seeing those green emeralds eyes staring at him made him pull away and of course his friends where giving him a stare that he hated. 

What could he do now. He was now married to this shitty nerd and now he had to deal with it.

End of POV
Now both companies were together and history was made. Many clients were happy but was the couple happy? 
They wanted to get married to each other and not forced? Some of the clients though, the ones that care about both future CEOs  and others were just happy to know that they were working to the top number one company in the world and this could be good for them.

As both pulled away from the kiss they both had a bright pink blush around their faces. They looked away from each other fast and looked at the people there attending their wedding. 

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