"Oh, fuck," I groaned. This night had just started, and it had the potential of being a really good one. Why did he have to show up?

That just put all the stress I'd been trying to get away from right back on my shoulders.

"Is he by himself?" I asked, while I tried to scan the room subtly.

"With a couple of guys. They are over to our left, closer to the door."

"No stunning girl with straight dark hair?"

She gave me an amused look and shook her head. I didn't know what to think or feel, for that matter. I wasn't sure if I wanted to ignore him and enjoy the rest of my evening, or run out of there as fast as I could.

I didn't have much time to think about it because a couple of guys came over and stopped right behind Sara's chair.

"Hey Sara," the stocky dark-haired guy said with a big grin.

"Elliott," she exclaimed. "Man, it's been forever. How are you?"

He laughed, and I felt myself smile along. This must be someone Sara knew well. She had grown up in the area and we had run into many people she was familiar with before, but I'd never met Elliott.

"Good, very good," he grinned and bent down and kissed her cheek. "How are you?"

"Great." She turned to me. "Em, this is Elliott, my neighbor, growing up." She turned back to Elliott. "This is Em. She's my best friend. We go to school together."

I stuck my hand out and shook his. He had a nice, firm grip and a big smile. I liked him immediately.

"Nice to meet you... Em?"

"Emelie," I clarified.

"Emelie, Em..." he repeated with a slow smile.

He proceeded to introduce us to his friend, Alex, who was someone Sara didn't know. Alex appeared to be slightly more intoxicated, which I found a bit disturbing since it was still early in the evening. The way he kept glancing up and down my body with his eyes stopping at my chest didn't help. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but he seemed relatively harmless, so I tried not to let it bother me. Sara didn't notice because she was too busy reminiscing with Elliott.

Alex tried to start a conversation with me, but other than some general small talk, it wasn't going anywhere. I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

They had dimmed the lights in the bar and it was a lot more crowded than when we first got there. I zig-zagged my way through all the people on my way to the restrooms near the entrance. I think I spotted Noah out of the corner of my eye on my way back, but kept my eyes focused in front of me so I wouldn't have to be obligated to say hello if he noticed me.

Elliott and Alex had left by the time I came back. Sara gave me a radiant smile from where she sat with her back straight, her legs crossed, and the wineglass in her hand.

"It's really getting crowded and dark in here," I informed her, like it wasn't obvious, as I slid back up onto the chair.

"I know, it's taking on that sexy feel," Sara teased, "and there are plenty of men..."

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. Sara had tried for months to get me to go on a date or just hook up with someone. She claims I've been feisty lately and need to loosen up. Her resolve for that is usually sex.

I'm not really looking to date at this point, and I'm not the one-night stand type of girl, so I usually just smile and tell her okay.

The bartender came over and placed fresh glasses of wine in front of Sara and me. Neither one of us had ordered more. In fact, we both had some left, me more than Sara. I must have given him a surprised look, because his face split up into a huge grin.

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