Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

For never having held a Sadie Hawkins dance before, the school certainly did go all out. The Great Hall was filled with students in dress robes. Lanterns floated in the air above a large dancefloor that sat before a stage, where Riley would be performing that night.

The sound of Jessie Deveraux singing Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley got the attention of most of the younger female students, making the crowd of people dancing grow bigger and bigger. The Deveraux Twins pushed their way through the crowd, dates in tow. The lights reflected off of their matching sparkly pink dresses as they dragged the Prewett boys toward Riley-Ann and the others.

"Hey girls" Riley greeted her sisters, sighing as she did so.

She wasn't really in the mood to be around her younger sisters' extreme personalities.

"Nice outfits girls," Marlene complemented.

"Thank you" the two said in sync.

"When are you on?" Riley asked, looking in the direction of the stage. She was going to have to perform soon. The thought of being up on a stage again made an almost sick feeling form in the pit of her stomach.

"We're on after Jessie. Better head up there now" Gigi answered.

The twins waved and walked back towards the stage, sending their big sister an admiring smile as they left.

"Let's go find some seats," said Marlene, grabbing onto Sirius' arm.


As soon as they sat down at a table in the far left corner of the great hall, Jessie finished his set and The Twins began theirs. Lily then arrived at the table with Edmund Abbott, followed closely behind by James and some Hufflepuff girl. Riley-Ann then removed the Camcorder from her bag, placed it on the table, directed it toward the stage, and set it to record.

"What are you doing?" Sirius questioned.

"My parents asked me to record my sisters' performance," Riley informed.

"What do you mean by record?" he asked.

"I really don't feel like explaining the use of a muggle camera, Black." Riley answered as she looked to make sure the camera was zoomed in on the stage correctly. Sirius chuckled at her response and Marlene glared at him.

"How are your parents Deveraux? Last I heard the lovely power couple was on tour in Switzerland" James conversed.

"They're in Ireland now" Riley-Ann told him.

"When are they coming into London? would love to see another one of their shows sometime" Peter commented.

"Not sure. I don't hear from them much." Riley-Ann answered, sending a look toward Marlene and Lily. They knew how her family was.

Remus didn't know Riley-Ann very well. He knew who her family was and that she was a nice girl with a pretty good reputation. He also knew that she could be very shy and he was surprised that she had asked him to the dance. He didn't understand why he was the one she had decided to ask.

What was it about Remus Lupin that made Riley-Ann Deveraux wanna ask him to the dance?

This was a question that was on a lot of people's minds that night.


The Twins had sung a wide variety of pop songs that night and eventually when they finally got to a slow song, Marlene had dragged Sirius onto the dance floor, much to his chagrin. Lily and Edmund followed shortly after, with James jealousy making his way to the floor with his date right there after them. Remus and Riley-Ann were the last ones left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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