Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Stop pulling!" Riley-Ann yelled at her friends as they attempted to style her hair for the dance.

"If you would stop fidgeting this would be going much faster!" Marlene exclaimed.

"Ugh" Riley groaned as the girls continued to pull at her lengthy blonde hair.

"There" Lily said as she pinned back the last piece of stray hair. Riley looked into the mirror and examined the fine job the girls had done on her hair.

"Are you sure it looks okay?" She questioned.

"You look absolutely stunning!" Lily exclaimed.

"Remus is not gonna know what to do with himself!" Marlene laughed.

The sound of an owl knocking on the window got the attention of the three girls.

Riley recognized the large pitch-black colored bird. She opened the window and untied a large package from her family's owl.

"What is it?" Marlene asked curiously.

"No idea. I wasn't expecting anything." stated Riley, confused.

Riley-Ann opened the package to find a box with a muggle label. She sat the box upon the bed and began to open the letter that was inside the package.

Lily moved to get a closer look at the box.

"That's a camcorder!" she exclaimed.

"A what?" Marlene asked.

"It's a type of muggle camera that records video. Like those ones they make films with. This one is more for home movies and stuff though. My Dad has one." Lily explained.

"It's from my Mum and Dad," said Riley-Ann.

Dearest Daughter,

We've decided to send this to you so that you can look back on your memories at Hogwarts. Although it might not seem like it now, this time in your life is very important and we would like you to be able to enjoy it while you can.

Sorry we can't make it to see you and your siblings perform tonight at the dance. You can record it and we can watch the footage next time we see you. Hope it's soon. Tour is going well. We're in Ireland at the moment. Have a good time at the dance.

We love you,

Mum and Dad

"Where are your parents now?" Marlene asked.

"Ireland, apparently." Riley stated, passing her the letter. Marlene read over the letter, with Lily reading over her shoulder.

"That sucks," said Marlene sympathetically.

"I'm used to it," Riley shrugged.


The three Gryffindors clambered down the stairs to the common room all dressed and ready for the dance.

The Gryffindor common room was filled with students in fancy clothes talking and waiting for their dates.

Riley finally noticed the Marauders in the corner of the room. Peter was adjusting James' tie, Sirius was leaning against the wall eyeing all the girls, and Remus was nervously running his hands through his hair.

"I'm gonna go meet up with Edmund. I'll see you guys at the dance." Lily said as she walked towards the portrait hole.

"Evans! Wait up" James Potter shouted as he ran after the red head.

"That boy is so whipped," Marlene said as she began to walk over toward the group.

Riley-Ann walked closely behind her, slightly hidden by Marlene's big hair.

The boys' attention was finally drawn to the girls, Sirius admired Marlene's look. Riley walked forward towards the boys. They were both surprised by her appearance.

Riley-Ann Deveraux, the girl who had never worn makeup a day in her life and couldn't even remember the last time she'd worn a dress was the most stunningly beautiful girl in the whole room.

Remus Lupin has never seen anyone or anything so lovely in his whole life. Riley-Ann was the definition of elegance in his mind, if only he could've said those words to her. Instead his jaw dropped at the sight of the girl and he stood there stunned until Sirius's hand clapped onto his shoulder.

"Doesn't she look absolutely gobsmacking Moony!" he said, almost sincere sounding.

"Yeah..." Remus said nervously, as he ran a hand through his hair again.

Riley-Ann blushed as she looked at Remus in his suit. She couldn't find the words to describe how handsome he looked at that moment. Sirius looked good too.

"We should really get going now" Marlene told them, sending an annoyed look towards Sirius as he stared down her best friend. Sirius snapped out of it at her words. "Right. Yeah. Let's head out." he said, wrapping his arm around Marlene and heading towards the portrait hole.

"Shall we?" Remus said as he gestured forward. Riley-Ann smiled and headed out with the boy.

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