Taehyung: You know, if you want to do something, you could’ve just asked I would’ve obliged. 

Me: Your breath smells like cheese.

Taehyung: Lies, I brushed before I came here.

Me: And I'm the one trying to get laid?

Taehyung: No, you're the one denying it sweetheart. 

Me: W-We need to focus on this. 

Taehyung: Or you could focus on me sweetheart. 

The temptation was real. His full lips parted, basically calling for mine to join his. His aura was demanding to be tied to body and my heart skipped a beat every second that I almost gave into his seductions. 

Almost. I want to toy with him more. 

Me: *grinning* No Taehyung, focus on this. 

Taehyung: Just one kiss sweetheart. I won’t bite.

Me: Nope. You’re going to sit here, behave, and do the work. 

Taehyung: Don’t do this to me sweetheart. 

Me: Maybe if keep it together for the next hour, I could spare you time after class. 

Taehyung: Promise? 

Me: *smiling* No. 

Taehyung: Fuck. 


Taehyung walked me to class after we were done in the library. I was about to take my regular seat in class, but Taehyung got pouty and begged me to sit with him. 

Mr. Han had an attitude the second he walked into class. You could tell his mood by what he’s drinking. 

If he has a regular coke; it’s a good day. 

A diet coke; he’s bitter, but not angry. 

A pepsi; irritated because he wants coke...attitude scary. 

Sparkling Ice Water; run for your fucking life terrifiying

And today...was a Sparkling water day. Mark Lee kept asking him questions about it which angered him more than the Sparkling Ice Water. 

Mr. Han: *irritated* Ladies and Gentlemen, please take note that your projects are due by next Saturday at midnight. 

Mark: Wouldn’t that be Sunday morning? 

Mr. Han: Wouldn’t that not matter smartass? I expect everyone’s turned in by then, I will not accept anything after Monday. If you turn it in on Sunday it’s an automatic ten points off. If you turn it on Monday, it is automatically twenty points off. 

Mark: Wait, but you said to turn it in on midnight...midnight means that it is now Sunday. So if I turn it on exactly at midnight is that an automatic ten points off? 

Mr. Han: No, because you turned it in exactly on time. 

Mark: But you said-

Mr: Han: Please Mr. Lee, it is not that hard of a concept so please do us the favor of shutting your mouth. 

Mark: I thought this was a personal finance class. 

Mr. Han: *palming his head* Jesus fucking christ. 

Taehyung: *whispering* Who spit in her coffee this morning? 

I giggled and cover my mouth with my hand. 

Mr. Han: Something funny Mr. Kim? 

Taehyung: *snickering* No sir. 

Mark: Mr. Han, I have a question. 

Mr. Han: That’s it! Class fucking Dismissed. Everyone get the hell out. 

Mark: But it hasn’t been ninety minutes yet!

Mr: Han: GET OUT! Ms. Pae? 

Me: Yes sir? 

Mr. Han: Have a great rest of your day. 

Me: Thank you! Feel better Mr. Han!

Taehyung kinda clenched his jaw as we got from our seats and walked down to door, me bowing to Mr. Han. 

Taehyung: So sweetheart. 

Me: Mhm. 

Taehyung: Where do you want to go? 

Me: I have half an hour to my next class, so I’m just gonna get something to ea-

Taehyung took both of my hands with a smirk. The rest of our classmates scattered into different directions around us outside into their cars or walking to another building. 

Taehyung: You are too much of a good girl. 

Me: How? 

Taehyung: Skip the rest of the day with me. 

Me: What? No. I can’t. 

Taehyung: You can’t or are you afraid to?

Me: Pff. I’m not afraid. 

Taehyung: Then come with me sweetheart. 

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