11: Sunnie

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Hmm. I don’t know why I felt the need to look cute to meet with Taehyung in the library. I braided my hair last night so it would come out curly. 

I left early because Taehyung and I decided to meet before class. I took a little bit of Jojo’s fenty lip gloss to coat my lips. I put on some mascara, did a top coat on my nails, I put on a white jean skirt, a black tank top, and a light washed denim jacket on top. I topped it all off with a white bennie and white slip on vans. 

I grabbed my things and drove back down to the campus parking lot. From there I had to walked down to the library about three minutes down. I found an empty table in the non-fiction. I don’t want to go for this spot since it’s secluded from the rest of the library. It’s in its own corner, surrounded around bookshelves. 

While Taehyung wasn’t here, I went through the non-fiction section while I waited. Just to see if there is anything I could use for the research. My vision turned to black and I completely froze in my steps. 

Taehyung: Guess who. 

Me: Gosh. Don’t do that!

Taehyung took his hands away from my face. He gave me a cocky smile when I turned around. I almost laughed when I saw we both had on black shirts. But I cancelled out the gushy thoughts that threatened to push into my mind. 

Me: Your late. We have work to do. 

Taehyung: We? I thought you didn’t want a partner since you gave me a fake number.

Me: *giggling* That was supposed to be funny. And that is my actual number, I just had my friend clown you over the phone. 

Taehyung: Not funny.

Me: *laughing* I'm sorry! Sucks to suck. 

Taehyung: *sigh* You have the mental age of an eleven year old. Where are we sitting?

Me: Over here

I led him over to the back shelves that hid our work pace.  I sat down and pulled out my laptop and my notes from yesterday. 

Taehyung: Interesting spot for you to choose.

Taehyung sat down at the table next to me

Me: Why?

Taehyung: Don't you know this is the campus’ most notorious hook up spot? 

Me: What? No…

Taehyung: At least eight people got caught here this year. And plenty last year. No one told you? Almost everyone does it here once. 

Me: No. This was the only spot open when I came in.

Taehyung: Why do you think that is? 

Me: I-I didn’t think about it. 

Taehyung: Because everyone on campus knows this is the place for people to most likely get down sweetheart. 

Me: Let’s just focus on this project, hm? 

I’m so fucking embarrassed. Why don’t they put up a sign saying “PORKING ZONE” or something? 

Taehyung: Ok. Play innocent Sunnie. 

Me: What? How? 

Taehyung: You’re all dolled up, taking me to the back spot of the library, alone. 

His eyes shifted from his laptop that was now on the table next to me, to my eyes. I shifted a little in my seat. He smiled at me, a hand creeping over my thigh slyly. His already deep voice lowered an octave to whisper at me huskily. 

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