Hell Is Coming (finale)

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(Y/n) POV




Instead of the usual fireball, I grabbed the alarm clock and threw it against the wall. It smashes into bits once it made contact with the wall. I then open my eyes to see the sun trying to shine through the curtains. I look over at Johnny's bed to see him covering his head with a pillow, he moves the pillow and looks at me.

Johnny: "I really hate those fucking alarm clocks."

I chuckle.

(Y/n): "You and me both."

I raise up and get out of bed, I stretch and yawn then walk to the bathroom to do my usual routine. I exit wearing my usual clothing.

Johnny: "Where are you running off to?"

(Y/n): "Nowhere at the moment. Just thought I'd go see what the others are doing."

Johnny: "You sure do hang out a lot with those four girls."

(Y/n): "They're my friends."

Johnny gets out of bed and pops his back.

Johnny: "Uh-huh... Keep telling yourself that. Listen, remember what I said about keeping a healthy relationship with your lover. Or in your case 'lovers'. It's not easy with the spirit of vengeance."

(Y/n): "They're not my lovers."

Johnny chuckles.

Johnny: "If you say so. But you'll have to wait on that. I thought we could train a bit in Goodwitchs class."

I shrug.

(Y/n): "Okay, sure."

Johnny enters the bathroom and does his thing, he comes out wearing his usual get up. He leads us to the door and opens it. On the other side of the door was Blake with her hand up, getting ready to knock on the door. I also noticed she was holding a book in her other hand.

Blake: "Oh... Uhh. Hi?"

(Y/n): "Hey, Blake. What's up?"

Blake: "I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I had a wonderful time with you last night."

I smile at her. I really do like Blake so I'm glad to hear that she also had a good time. Johnny nudges me and gives me a thumbs up.

Blake: "And also, I wanted to give you this. I thought that this could be of use to you."

She hands me the book and I look at it. I raise my eyebrow at the cover. It was a really old black book that had different symbols on the cover. One of these symbols was a pentagram... I always thought Blake was kinda gothic but this is something I never would have thought she would own.

(Y/n): "...Geez, Blake... Thanks?"

Blake: "This book helped me figure out what you... Are."

She took the book and flipped through some pages. She showed it to me, it shows a man tied to a rock with chains. And two large demon looking creatures hovering over him. It also showed another demon morphing into the man. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Johnny then took the book from her.

Johnny: "Where did you get this?"

Blake: "The.. Library? The place where I get all of my books."

Johnny: "This book was created by a Ghost Rider."

I took the book from Johnny and flip through some pages.

(Y/n): "It has a lot of pictures... Neat!"

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