Chapter Two

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Call me a pussy if you must, but pulling up into the Vincent's driveway gave me fucking butterflies.

Mostly I felt stupid. I'd practically forced the Vincent's out of my life and now here I was literally right at their doorstep.

I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready to see Mr. Vincent, a man who had been like a second father to me. I wasn't ready to see Rory, practically my sister. Or Kody who had acted like a big brother to me my whole childhood.

Mostly, I wasn't ready to see Aiden.

He'd been my best friend. My fucking family. And I'd broken his heart time after time until he just couldn't handle it anymore.

Amanda stopped the car smoothly with a wide smile on her face. She gave me a quick overlook before pulling the keys out of the ignition. "Alright, Grace. Please don't make any scenes in here. It's just four months."

Four months would feel like forever. I nodded my head, pulling open the door.

The Vincent's house was huge, with a long driveway that felt like miles as I walked up it. I had walked up this driveway thousands of times but now I felt like a stranger.

When we reached the door, Amanda reached out and gave the doorbell a quick two rings. I held my breath as I heard footsteps inside the house.

If Aiden opened the door I was going to throw up.

When the door was pushed open, I brought my gaze to the floor. I recognized Mr. Vincent's shoes and that relaxed me a little but I still couldn't look him in the eyes.

His voice was kind, but wary. "Hello, Grace. Mrs. Bradley."

Amanda nudged me and I slowly raised my head making eye contact with him. I'd seen him a bit over the past weeks. He'd helped me arrange for my father to be buried and get his affairs in order. Still it was awkward.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Vincent." I said.

He moved to the side allowing us to walk into the house. I headed to the living room, which was still decorated exactly as I remembered. It gave me nostalgia looking at all of the pictures of the Vincent kids. I was even in some of them since I'd always been here.

As Amanda had Mr. Vincent sign some papers, I walked around the house. I figured since I was going to be living here, I had free reign of the place. I started in the living room getting a closer look at the pictures.

There was all of the Vincent kids in their graduation gowns. The one of Aiden was only two weeks old. He looked good, a wide smile on his face and his curly hair flying messily around his face.

Then there was Rory at prom and homecoming. Kody at prom. And Aiden with Hayden at homecoming. I nearly smiled at that one because they looked like they wanted to rip each other's hair out.

Mixed in with the pictures I recognized, were new ones. There was Rory at college. Kody with some dark-haired girl and Aiden with his new group of friends.

There was also pictures of a little girl.

When I laid eyes on her my heart stopped.

She looked like him.

I stared into the pale blue eyes of the little girl, the same shape  of Aiden's.

She had his hair- wild curls just a bit darker.

She had his mouth, I'd always told him he had a girlish mouth. My heart ached at the memory.

I'd known Kody had a daughter. I'd never laid eyes on her though. I didn't expect her to be Aiden's literal twin.

"Her name's Addison. Addy."

I froze at the sound of his voice. I'd prepared for this. I'd prepared to see him. I quickly dropped my expression and swapped it for a bored one.

"Super cool." I said in a sarcastic tone.

Slowly I turned on my heel, meeting Aiden's gaze. He wore a beanie and a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants. He pulled the casual look off excellently. His expression however was aloof.

He frowned at my response. "Yeah, alright Grace. Sorry about your dad."

I hated hearing that, and I didn't have a good reason as to why.

I simply rolled my eyes.

I was horrible, I know. But if I was going to survive through these four months I had to protect myself.

Being a bitch was the only way I knew how.

When I heard him trudge up the stairs, I relaxed. For about two seconds.

Then, I let my emotions fuck with my head.

This wasn't supposed to be my life  I wasn't supposed to have to look at Aiden everyday. I wasn't supposed to conversate. I was supposed to graduate high school, survive the summer, and then get the hell out of Winterbrook.

It didn't look like I was going to be able to do any of that.

When Amanda left, after having a very in-depth conversation with Mr. Vincent and I, I turned to my new guardian.

He looked as if he was just realizing the weight of the situation. The nervousness was so apparent on his face tat it made me laugh.

I covered my mouth when the giggle escaped  and Mr. Vincent looked down at me. "I feel like I just got lectured by my mother." He mumbled.

I smiled one of the first genuine smiles I'd had in weeks. "She has that affect."

He sighed, rising from the couch. "Well, I guess I should give you the lay of the land."

When he started to walk I assumed he wanted me to follow so I did.

I studied him as I walked. He didn't look that much different than he had four years ago. He had a few grey strands in his beard and his hair but he was still handsome.

He had a soft smile on his face as he spoke to me. "I'm pretty sure you know this place like the back of your hand kid, so I'm gonna show you your room and bathroom.

He led me to what had been Rory's old room. It was right next to Aiden's.

I must have not hid my emotions well because Mr. Vincent cleared his throat.

"He sleeps in Kody's old room now. Says it's bigger."

I simply nodded swinging my attention to the closed door.

And seeing his bedroom made me miss Aiden like crazy. Not just my friend but my childhood. When times were simpler and the world wasn't this fucked up.

"There's a bathroom in the room." Mr. Vincent continued as if I didn't already know.

"Yeah." I said with a fake smile.

I missed Rory too. And even Kody now that I thought about it. I wanted to see his daughter and I wanted to tease Rory about her relationship with Sin.

Mostly I wanted to sneak into Aiden's room and lay in his bed like I used too. I'd felt safe and loved.

But I knew even if Aiden didn't hate me, I'd never lay in his bed again. Because I wouldn't feel safe and I wouldn't feel loved.

Not anymore. No matter what.

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