Chapter Twenty Eight

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When I got back to the house, Aiden wasn't there. I was actualy relieved because it gave me time to overthink. I made myself a sandwich and went to call Morgan.

"Oh, back from your baecation?" She asked, answering on the first ring.

I smiled. "I am and I need to talk to you. It's important." I added when she remained silent.

"Alright, spill." She finally answered, her tone wary. "I was just running a list through my head of all of the things that could have went wrong."

Typical Morgan

"Okay, Aiden and I almost kissed yesterday."

I knew that if I waited to tell her that part until the end then any other details I said would just trickle out of her head. So I started with the most shocking news.

Her reaction didn't disappoint me.

"Grace, don't fuck with me right now. I can't take it."

I finished my sandwich, sliding my plate into the dishwasher.

"Morgan, I wouldn't lie to you when I'm in a crisis."

She squealed, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Did you not hear me say crisis?"

She sobered up quickly. "I'm assuming the only crisis  is that you said 'almost kissed' instead of 'fucked in the ocean"

My breathing quickened at her words and I had to force myself to think of something else.

Why was she so crude?

"That's not the crisis, and maybe you should keep your mind out of the gutter."

She simply laughed.

"The crisis is now he wants to have a conversation about us almost kissing. "

She smacked her lips. "I didn't take Aiden for a big talker. He seems more like a grab a girl and kiss her senseless type"

I didn't even want to try to figure out what she meant by that.

"I need to know what I should say Morgan."

Again she was silent for a short while.

"Do you want him to kiss you?" She asked.

I thought about it. When we were at the beach I couldn't think of too many things I wanted more than I wanted Aiden to kiss me.

"Morgan, you know my dating record is a bit spotty."

Morgan knew about Bryce. She also knew I hadn't dated anybody since the incident.

She assumed there was a connection.

"Aiden's not Bryce, Grace. But, if your not ready to put yourself out there then tell him that. It's not like he can disagree."

"Do you think I should tell him that I haven't put myself out there?" A horrifying thought crossed my mind. "Do you think he can tell?"

Morgan thought about it for a minute. "In my experience, guys believe whatever they put in their heads until you tell them different. If Aiden thinks you've been around the only way he's going to think otherwise is if you come out and tell him you're a virgin."

I rolled my eyes.  I knew telling Morgan I had never had sex before was a mistake. But she'd been my friend too long and she wasn't stupid. It wasn't like I could lie.

Still, she was the only one who knew.

"I wonder who Aiden lost his virginity to." I said, aloud on an accident.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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