Chapter Twenty One

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When I got to the house, Rory was waiting for me in the living room.

"We need to talk." She said, as soon as she saw me walk through the door, scaring the hell out of me.

"Shit, Rory. You scared the fuck out of me."

She looked all poised and professional with her hair tied up and reading glasses on her face as she did what I assumed was homework. I knew she was in her final year of school and she was supposed to be graduating in December.

I was so happy to see her that I almost forgot that I hadn't talked to her in years.

She smiled, her eyes lighting up. "Your language has definitely matured. What else don't I know about you?"

I pursed my lips, shifting from foot to foot as I tried to read the room. I didn't know how to answer her. There was so much she didn't know about me. 

Plus, I was nervous about what she wanted to talk to me about. Still, this was Rory, and even though I hadn't seen her in a while, it was hard to be nervous around her. She had a gift. 

"Got my belly button pierced." I said as I casually walked towards her. I lifted my shirt showing off my stomach as proof. "Didn't even feel it."

She laughed. "It looks cute. How are you doing?"

She did a little pat on the cushion next to her and I sighed and sat down. "I'm good. I thought Aiden and I would be at each others throats when I found out I was going to be moving in, but we are actually getting along. "

She nodded her head. "Yeah, I figured it would be either one or the other. I was dying to know what was going on over here. Since we're renovating our house, I was going to try to finagle an invitation to stay here."

I laughed. "I'm guessing Sin shot that idea down."

She shrugged, but I could see the smile that took over her face at just the mention of his name. "He had some arguments. That's actually kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

I raised a brow. "Sin?" Now I was really confused. 

She smiled fully now. She was so obviously in love that it made me want to punch Sin in the face so that he wouldn't even think of hurting her. I was sure Kody had handled that. 

"Ugh, I'm no good at small talk." She laughed before grabbing my arm. "He asked me to marry him."

I was confused for a split second before I realized what she was talking about. "No fucking way" I said, grabbing her arm the same way she had grabbed mine. "Are you serious?"

She was laughing now. "Yep. Last night. Look!" She shoved her hand in my face. I locked my eyes on the elegant diamond nestled on her ring finger. 

I was suddenly so happy for her that I couldn't control my emotions. Rory deserved it. She deserved everything happy in life. She had been the best sister a girl like me could have asked for. I threw my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. 

"That's great, Rory. Oh my gosh, you're going to be a Westbrook."

She hugged me back, squeezing me hard. "I just told my dad. He cried. I think I'm going to cry again. I'm so happy."

Since I was holding back tears myself, I let her go. I cleared my throat before speaking again. "When's the big day?"

She stared at her ring, her eyes in a daze. "We're going to wait until I graduate before we start planning it. I'm too stressed to do it right now. "

I nodded my head. "Who would have thought. You and Sin..."

Life was crazy sometimes. The way that we changed in just four years was blowing my mind. 

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