Chapter 6

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A/N sorry this is gonna be short but thought u might like a little update :)

Big love, Charlie xxx

I walked out of the back door, made my way to the table on the patio and sat down on one of the chairs. I rested my elbows on the table and placed my head in my hands. I couldn't believe I, Carly Hollie Baker, had just kissed One Direction's Zayn Malik! I liked him a lot but like I said he's Zayn Malik one of the most famous people on the planet right now. Why would he ever like me back? When he could have a model like Eleanor or a dancer like Danielle! I don't know exactly why I was crying at this point but I had tears streaming down my face, perhaps it was all the emotions I felt building up.

I heard someone open the back door, I looked up, wiping my tears away, to try and see who it was, but the tears kept falling, I knew who it was, it was Zayn

"Carls? What's the matter, Babe?" Zayn asked as he sat in the seat next to me and pulled it closer to mine so he could put his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't really know how to explain it, Zayn" I admitted

"Well, try, I hate to see you cry" He said pulling my hand and sitting me on his lap

"okay so I'm struggling to work out why you would choose me, over someone else, I mean you could have a model like Eleanor if you wanted" I explained I was starting to calm down a little bit a but the a few tears still fell

Zayn wiped them away with his thumb "That's the thing, I don't want a model like Eleanor, I want you" my heart fluttered at this statement

"Awwww" we heard from the door way, we turned around to find the rest of 1D and Ella watching from the back door

"Go away!" Zayn snapped lightly "I'm trying to talk to Carly!"

"We know, we can see that mate!" Niall laughed

"Go!" Zayn demanded

"Okay! Chill your boots!" Harry said signalling for the others to follow him. Once they had gone Zayn turned back to me and I was just starting at him "You really want me?" I asked quietly

"Yes,I just said that didn't I?" Zayn laughed kissing my forehead "You're freezing, Babe, let's go back inside, Niall wants to order Nando's" he said standing me up and then he did

"Of course he does" I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck this time it was my turn to kiss him

"What was that for?" Zayn asked

"I just felt like it," I said biting my lip "Look, Zayn, I know it like our first day of meeting but I've be completely in love with you for the past 2 years" I blushed "I love you, Zayn Malik, you don't have to say it back, I know its a bit too early"

"I think I might love you too, but I'm not gonna say definitely because as you said its our first day" Zayn said taking my hand and leading me back in to the living room.

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