Authors note :)

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i just thought i'd give you guys abit of an in sight as to why I started writing Oh My Malik.

This whole story is deicated to Zayn Malik <3 you have no idea how much he makes me smile and i've written this to kinda say thank you..i know he'll never read it but basically the way Carly feels about Zayn is the way i feel about may sound really stupid but he make my day a lot better even though i dont know him and he doesnt even know i exist :) for example i could be having worse day ever and feeling really down and all i have to do is put on a video of Zayn or listen to a 1D song and it makes everything just a little bit more easy to bare.. The first thing i'd say to him and the boys would be thank you, they'd probably be really confused and i probably wouldn't be able to explain my reason for say thank you with out crying..i'm nearly crying just thinking about getting a chance to say it.. I'll explain my reason for say thank you to them to you now..

I've always been a massive fan of One Direction, well since 2010 anyways..but in 2011 i had really low self confidence and i hated everything about myself and my life, i've never self harmed or had suicidal thoughts but i really didn't like myself at all, then What Makes You Beautiful came out and i had it on replay for about 3 weeks straight! my mum and my sister hated it but the song made me feel so good about myself, then later on that year my Granddad died and i was so upset and i start going on youtube a lot to find stuff to cheer me up and i found the video diaries i'd for gotten about them until they appear on my screen and made me cry with laughter instead of cry with sadness, and they helped me to get through that really hard 2012 i had some very important exams to take and my self confidence was low again i was even considering not attending my leavers ball at school but again One Direction helped me cope with the stress and i ended up going to my leavers ball which i have amazing memories of! And now as we near the end of 2013 i'm finally happy about being me! And i don't care what everyone else thinks of me because i being the best me i can :) and it all thanks to 5 boys who have no idea that i exist and have no idea how much i love them and how grateful i am to them!

None of my family or the people closet to me have any idea that this is why i'm such a massive fan of One Direction and i am 100% proud to call myself a Directioner!

And second of all i really wanted to see if people liked my writing :) and I'm not sure if you do or not but judging by the amount of reads it had im guessing it okay :p

Sorry this is so long i thought you be interested to find out my story and why i decided to start writing Oh My Malik

Love you

Charlie xxx

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